3.6 - Prokaryotic cells and viruses

Cards (7)

  • prokaryotic cells are smaller than eukaryotic cells and have no nucleus or nuclear envelope
  • Structure of a bacterial cell:
    cell wall made of murein - physical barrier that excludes certain substances and protects against mechanical damage and osmotic lysis
    capsule - (of slime) protects bacterium from other cells and helps groups of bacteria stick together for further protection
    cell surface membrane - acts as a differentially permeable layer which controls the entry and exit of chemicals
    circular DNA - possesses the genetic information for the replication of bacterial cells
    plasmid - possesses the genes that may aid the survival of bacteria in adverse conditions
  • plasmids are used in genetic engineering as vectors
  • bacterial cells contain 70s ribosomes, which are smaller than the 80s ribosomes found in eukaryotic cells, but can synthesise proteins
  • viruses and bacteria are types of prokaryotic cells
  • viruses are acellular, non living particles. they are smaller than bacteria (20-300 nm)
  • viruses contain nucleic acids but rely on host cells to replicate. their nucleic acids are enclosed within a protein coat called a capsid, which has attachment proteins on it, allowing the virus to identify and attach to a host cell