Suggests that behaviour is learnt through association.
Classical Conditioning
2 Stimuli are repeatedly paired together ( UCS and NS)
This will then produce an unconditioned response. ( UCR )
Through Association the NS will produce the same response as the UCS creating a CONDITIONED RESPONSE
Experiment for Classical Conditioning: Dog Experiment
Additional Findings:
Stimulus Generalisation - when stimuli similar to a CS will produce a CR. (e.g. a bell with a similar pitch will still produce a conditioned response )
Temporal Contiguity - the UCS and NS have to be paired together at the SAME TIME for association to occur.
Operant Conditioning
behaviour is learnt through consequences
Two Types of Reinforcement:
Positive Reinforcement - receiving a reward when a certain behaviour is performed
Negative Reinforcement - doing a certain behaviour to avoid something unpleasant
Punishment - an unpleasant consequence of behaviour ( e.g. receiving a detention for not doing homework )
Experiment for Operant Conditioning - Skinners Box
Rats and Pigeons were trapped within a box and were rewarded whenever they pressed a lever. Positive Reinforcement has occurred.
However, Skinner then changed the reward to a Punishment. The Rats and Pigeons stopped pressing the lever.
Shows that behaviour can be conditioned to avoid certain or encounter certain stimulus.