
Cards (38)

  • Class and and attainment:
    • look at achievement in relation to those were eligible for free school meal- means tested based on household income
  • Class and attainment:
    • in 2014 and 15, 60% of people not eligible for preschool meal, got five GCSE A* to C compared to 33% of those who were eligible
  • Class and Attainment:
    • some progress is being made with narrowing achievement gap, although they present a complex picture where, in fact, things are getting worse
  • Class and Attainment:
    • social class, which is by for the biggest determinant of educational outcomes
  • class and attainment:
    intelligence is inherited genetically, and therefore middle-class people are simply more intelligent than working class because of having intelligent parents
  • Material factor; youth employment
    • Too much hours, can impact educational of performance
    • People with higher household income can afford educational visits and pay for private tuition
  • Immediate gratification:
    • right wing perspective of how student of working class want immediate gratification
  • Delayed gratification
    • middle-class, understand the benefits delay paid employment for higher qualification
  • Hyman(1967)
    • working class, families for less interested in social mobility than middle-class families
  • Douglas(1964) middle-class, child, of average, intelligent, was much more likely to pass 11th exam than a working class
  • Bourdieu Habitus: norms, values, attitudes and behaviours of a particular social group or class
  • Bourdieu Cultural Capital:
    • gives middle class advantage in educational system
    • Behaviours deemed superior on higher classes
  • Bourdieu social capital:
    network and relationship a person possess based on class membership and maintains and build relationship.
  • Evaluating external factors:
    • policy directly designed to combat material factor include educational maintenance allowance, people, premium, physical dinners and more.
  • Evaluation external factors:
    • policies such as surestat that have been put in place to try and deal with issues relating to parenting.
  • Labelling:
    • In relation of deviance
    • Teachers label their pupils, working class being negative which can create low expectation and low achievement from students
  • Anti school subcultures:
    • Paul Willis “ learning labour”
    • Norms and values of subculture are missing about and avoiding work and to welcome poor grades
    • Subculture have little in achievement
  • Bernstein Language code:
    • elaborate code(language code) which middle-class peoples are able to use, working class people tend to use restricted code
    • Middle-class people skin to catch language to formal(restricted to elaborate code)
  • Examples of language codes in schools:
    • working class, restricted code- feature colloquialism and idiomatic turn of phrases, non-standard, grammar, and simplistic, sentence structure.
  • Evaluating Internal Factors:
    • hard to divide both internal and external factors. Both impact one another
    • Anti-school subculture may explain the under performance of working class, but it is still very complex and must at least in part related to matters outside of school
  • Labelling Theory:
    • once a labour is attached, there is a tendency for the student to see themselves in terms of the label and act accordingly
  • Rist 1970:
    • Kindergarten children replaced permanently on one of three tables, depending on how fast they learn learn
    • Seems like appearance, parental education and employment had the biggest impact on who was at where
  • Cicourel and Kitsuse(1963):
    • How American high school counsellors gave advice regarding careers or further education
    • Social class had the biggest impact, even if students had the same IQ or school record the lower classes redeemed unsuitable for colleges
  • Self Fulfilling Prophecy:
    • prediction, made about students to come true
    • The teachers interaction with the student is affected hugely by the definition of the student
    • People will develop a concept of self that reflects what the teacher believes about them
  • Rosenthal & Jacobson(1964)
    • Did an IQ test and demonstrated how teachers expectations affected the students, negatively or positively
  • Fuller(1984):
    • identify a group of black female students in London camps, who worked as hard as possible to defy teachers expectation for them
  • Boaler(2005):
    • “ the lower sets are like a physiological prison, it just breaks all their ambition
  • Millenium Cohort Study(2014):
    • people in top streams did better in reading and maths. Those two bottom streams did significantly worse.
    • Working class were ‘ disproportionally placed in lower streams’
  • Diane Reay(2006):
    • social class remains the one area of educational inequality on which education policy has virtually no impact
  • Ghail(1994):
    • Study, looking at a group identified as the ‘Macho lads’
    • they saw school work as meaningless and bullied the ‘dickhead achievers’
    • Refuse to accept teacher authority and focused on having a laugh
  • Borderline cases:
    • School perform, educational, triage and group of students, more broadly into three groups: will pass anyway, Borderlinr CID and Hopeless care
  • Triage:
    • Will pass anyway- preschool subculture, high streams and committed to values of school
  • Triage:
    • borderline C/D- focus on attention and the students are closest to doing better
  • Triage:
    • hopeless care- anti school subculture, low streams, low of self esteem and poor behaviour
  • Social class in classroom:
    • small scale interaction between teacher and people and examine how teacher perception of a student social class affect the way in which they interact with set and teach them
  • There is tendency for middle-class students to be placed in higher ability groups and working class students in lower groups, even when their grades are similar
  • Students in lower groups tend to feel educationally/disrespected and undervalued
  • But focusing time and effort on bo borderline cases, educational triage discriminates against the first, largely middle-class group and particularly against the third, mainly working class group.