plant diseases

Cards (12)

  • how can plant diseases be detected?
    stunted growth
    spots on leaves
    • areas of decay (rot)
    malformed stems or leaves
  • plant diseases can be identified by ?
    using monoclonal antibodies testing kit
    referring to the manual or internet
  • what plant disease is causes by a fungal disease?
    rose black spot
  • what plant disease is caused by a viral disease?
    tobacco mosaic virus
  • what plant disease is caused by insects?
  • what is stunted growth caused by?
    nitrate deficiency
  • what is chlorosis caused by? ( lack of green pigment)
    magnesium deficiency
  • what are magnesium ions needed for ?
    to make chlorophyll.
  • what are nitrate ions needed for?
    protein synthesis
  • what are the physical defenses on plants to block microorganisms from entering?
    Cellulose cell walls.
    • Tough waxy cuticle on leaves.
    • Layers of dead cells around stems (bark on trees) which fall off.
  • what are the chemical barriers on plants?
    Antibacterial chemicals.
    Poisons to deter herbivores
  • what are the mechanical barriers on plants?
    Thorns and hairs deter animals.
    • Leaves which droop or curl when touched.
    Mimicry to trick animals.