Biological rhythms

    Cards (10)

    • What are biological rhythms?
      Recurring patterns within an organism that regulate the body + maintain homeostasis
    • What are the 3 types of biological rhythm?
      • Infradian
      • Circadian
      • Ultradian
    • What is an infradian rhythm?
      • Takes more than 24 hours to complete (days, weeks, months, etc) = occurs less than once a day
      • e.g. menstrual cycle -> 28 days
      • Entrained by exogenous zeitgebers -> seems that light, social cues + odours can affect it
      • Driven by endogenous pacemakers
    • What is a circadian rhythm?
      • Takes 24 hours to complete = once per day
      • e.g. sleep/wake cycle -> humans = diurnal = increased drive to sleep at night + be awake in the day (synchronised by SCN)
      • Regulated by endogenous pacemakers
      • Can be entrained by exogenous zeitgebers
    • What is an ultradian rhythm?
      • Takes less than 24 hours -> occurs multiple times a day
      • e.g. sleep cycle -> occurs 4-6 times during night
      • Regulated by endogenous pacemakers
    • What affects biological rhythms?
      • Endogenous pacemakers
      • Exogenous zeitgebers
    • What are endogenous pacemakers?
      • Biological mechanisms within organism -> without them, other body clocks are unable to maintain circadian rhythms
      • Enable organism to keep pace with changing environmental factors
      • Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) = master circadian rhythm
      • Tiny bundle of nerve cells in hypothalamus -> built-in circadian rhythm = only needs resetting when external light levels change
      • Still work without exogenous zeitgebers, just not as well
    • How does the SCN synchronise the sleep/wake cycle?
      • Optic chiasm detects light changes through action of protein melanopsin -> sends signals to SCN about light levels
      • SCN uses signals to tell pineal gland when to produce melatonin
      • = clear interaction between endogenous pacemaker of SCN/pineal gland + exogenous zeitgeber of light seen in sleep/wake cycle
    • What are exogenous zeitgebers?
      • External factors which affect our biology, e.g. temperature
      • Non-biological factors too, e.g. social cues
      • Environmental cues that entrain endogenous pacemakers, e.g. circadian rhythm = 25 hours if left free-running
    • What happens in the sleep cycle?
      • Re-occurs 4-6 times during the night -> 90 mins average
      • 5 stages
      • Stages 1 + 2 = light sleep
      • Stages 3 + 4 = deep sleep (SWS + NREM)
      • Stage 5 = REM
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