
Cards (7)

  • 1908
    Young Turk Revolution establishes constitutional rule, but degenerates into military dictatorship during First World War, where Ottoman Empire fights in alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • 1918-22
    Partition of defeated Ottoman Empire leads to eventual triumph of Turkish National Movement in war of independence against foreign occupation and rule of Sultan.
  • 1923
    Grand National Assembly declares Turkey a republic and Kemal Ataturk president.
  • 1928
    Turkey becomes secular: clause retaining Islam as state religion removed from constitution.
  • 1938
    President Ataturk dies, succeeded by Ismet Inonu.
  • 1945
    Neutral for most of World War II, Turkey declares war on Germany and Japan, but does not take part in combat. Joins United Nations.
  • 1950
    First free elections won by opposition Democratic Party.