Cards (9)

  • Howe found when he put 9-12 year olds in groups of 4 to discuss motion down a slope their level of knowledge and understanding increased whilst not all arriving to the same conclusion about movement of objects
  • through exploring the environment individual mental representations of the world can be made
  • Piagerts theory over focuses on learning taking place through personal discovery and disregards the role of others in our cognitive development
  • Bryant questioned the level of mental conflict a schema had to go through to reach equilibration as equilibration is hard to objectively measure and demonstrate under controlled conditions.
  • Assimilation/accommodation are not testable and Difficult to operationalise in an experimental setting as schemas are virtual mental structures we can’t empericallt validate
  • piaget found children agreed two equally spaced rows of counters had the same number but when one of the lines was brought closer they said the longer line had more
  • Mcgarrie and McDonaldson found when repeating Piagets conservation task using a puppet to act as “naughty teddy” children were able to conserve
  • When Piaget tasked children with working out how to make the colour yellow using different coloured liquids in a beaker, children in the pre-operational stage used random combinations as opposed to logical strategies to find a method for making yellow
  • According to Piaget children are not biologically and cognitively mature enough to be taught certain concepts until they reach a certain age. The plowden report validated this ensuring content is targeted to children’s developmental level