Unit 1

Cards (129)

  • A somatic cell is any cell in the body other than cells involved in reproduction.
  • Slow twitch muscle fibres contract relatively slowly, but can sustain contractions for longer.
  • Diploid refers to a somatic cell that has two sets of chromosomes.
  • Somatic cells divide by mitosis to form more somatic cells, maintaining the diploid chromosome number.
  • Gametes (sperm and ova) and the stem cells that divide to form gametes are part of the germline cells.
  • Haploid refers to a germline cell with only one set of chromosomes.
  • If a germline cell is dividing to make more diploid germline cells, it uses mitosis.
  • If a germline cell is dividing to make haploid gametes, it uses meiosis.
  • During meiosis, the nucleus of a germline stem cell undergoes two divisions, firstly separating homologous chromosomes and secondly separating chromatids.
  • Cellular differentiation is the process by which a cell expresses certain genes to produce proteins characteristic for that type of cell.
  • Cellular differentiation allows a cell to carry out specialised functions.
  • Embryonic stem cells are found in the very early embryo and can differentiate into all the cell types that make up the individual.
  • Embryonic stem cells can differentiate into all the cell types that make up the individual due to the ability of pluripotency.
  • Tissue stem cells can differentiate into all of the types of the cell found in a particular tissue type, a process known as multipotent differentiation.
  • Blood stem cells located in bone marrow can give rise to blood cells such as red blood cells, platelets, phagocytes and lymphocytes, a process known as haematopoiesis.
  • Therapeutic uses of stem cells involve the repair of damaged or diseased organs or tissues.
  • Bone marrow transplants, regeneration of damaged skin and corneal repair are examples of therapeutic uses of stem cells.
  • Stem cell research provides information on how cell processes such as cell growth, differentiation and gene regulation work.
  • Stem cells are used as model cells in research to study how diseases develop and for drug testing.
  • Cancer cells do not respond to regulatory signals and divide excessively to form a mass of abnormal cells called a tumour.
  • Cells within the tumour may fail to attach to each other, spreading through the body, a process known as secondary tumour formation.
  • DNA is stored in the nucleus and has a double helix shape.
  • The 3 parts of a DNA nucleotide are phosphate, deoxyribose sugar and a base.
  • The 4 DNA bases are Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine.
  • The complementary base partner for thymine is Adenine.
  • DNA strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases.
  • A single strand of DNA is held together by a sugar-phosphate backbone.
  • The 5’ end of a DNA strand is the end with a phosphate.
  • The 3’ end of a DNA strand is the end with a deoxyribose sugar.
  • DNA strands can be antiparallel, meaning they run in opposite directions.
  • Lactate is the product of pyruvate breakdown when no oxygen is present.
  • The substrate molecule(s) have a high affinity for the active site.
  • Oxaloacetate combines with acetyl CoA to produce citrate in the citric acid cycle.
  • Glycolysis is the conversion of glucose to pyruvate.
  • The enzyme concentration has become a limiting factor as all the active sites are occupied.
  • Competitive inhibitor binds at the active site preventing the substrate from binding.
  • Aerobic respiration consists of three stages: Glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain.
  • The substrate attaches to the active site on the enzyme.
  • Fast twitch muscle fibres contract relatively quickly, over short periods.
  • The electron transport chain is a series of membrane-bound proteins.