The Lean Culture is a crucial aspect of the Lean Production System, where trained workers willingly participate in continuous improvement of every aspect of the system for its successful implementation.
Dr. Deming advised against investments in new equipment for quality improvement and advocated the effective use of current machinery and resources for substantial improvements in quality and productivity.
Pareto analysis is a problem-solving tool that involves ranking all potential problem areas or sources of variation according to their contribution to cost or total variation.
Benchmarking involves identifying areas for improvement in critical business performance and seeking to emulate the best-in-class performers within the industry or related fields.
Brainstorming involves exercising the brains of the members of a team, who possess an intimate knowledge of the process under study, to list all of the causes that contribute to the problem at hand and find possible ways of solving it.
In the plan step of the PDCA cycle, data is documented and analyzed to understand the causes and their effects, and theories on the root causes are proposed.
Benefits of Brainstorming include Efficient Resource Allocation, Adaptability to Change, Innovation in Processes and Technologies, Continuous Improvement, and Diverse perspectives.
Cause-and-Effect Diagram, also known as Ishikawa’s fishbone diagram, is a method that helps a team to think together on paper and is the first level of dissecting the process to discover the root causes.
In the do step of the PDCA cycle, experiments are conducted on a limited scale to understand the relationship among the important variables in the process.
In the check step of the PDCA cycle, data from the experiment is studied to see if a good understanding of the process and its variables has been obtained.
The coefficient of determination (R2) measures the proportion of total variability in the observations of the dependent variable that is explained by the regression line.
Leveling and Balancing: Ensuring consistent production schedules and distributing work evenly among operations to prevent bottlenecks and reduce cycle time.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): A comprehensive approach to maintaining machinery and tools in optimal working condition, involving all personnel engaged in planning, operating, and maintaining the equipment.