Human Anatomy is the scientific study of the body's structures, some of which are very small and can only be observed and analyzed with the assistance of a microscope, while larger structures can readily be seen, manipulated, measured, and weighed.
Physiology explains how the structures of the body work together to maintain life, typically studied together because form and function are closely related in all living things.
Evolution provides a scientific explanation for the history of life on Earth and the mechanisms by which changes to life have occurred.
All eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, except for the Red Blood Cells or Erythrocytes that lose their nuclei as they mature.
Ecosystems and Environments state that all life exists within an ecosystem made up of the physicochemical environment and other biological organisms.
Causal Mechanisms state that life requires information flow within and between cells and between the environment and the organisms.
Cell is the basic unit of life, understanding the behavior of an organism requires understanding the relationship between structure and function at each and every level of organization.
Levels of Organization state that living organisms carry out functions at many different levels of organization simultaneously.
Information Flow in life requires information flow within and between cells and between the environment and the organism.
Matter, Energy, and Transformation state that living organisms must obtain matter and energy from the external world, this matter and energy must be transformed and transferred in varied ways to build the organism and to perform work.
Homeostasis maintains the internal environment in a more or less constant state compatible with life.
Cell share a set of properties and basic functions that combine to produce the complex almost indefinite phenomenon we call life, they are tiny, unique entities separated from the outside world by a boundary membrane, need a constant supply of chemical energy, which they absorb and convert to their own needs, are creative synthesizers of amazingly complex macromolecules, grow, reproduce, and have the ability to respond to rapid changes in their environment, have all of the “signs of life”, and are capable of a remarkable degree of specialization.
Organism is composed of organ systems, a single, complete individual.
Organ System is composed of organs, a group of organs with a unique collective function.
Prokaryotic Cells have a "false" nucleus, non-membrane bound organelles, are unicellular organisms, and do not have chloroplasts.
The cytoplasm is the living substance of the cell, containing the organelles that perform all the physiological properties of the cell.
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, second to the nucleus and chloroplasts, and manufacture energy in the form of ATP.
Eukaryotic Cells have a "true" nucleus, membrane-bound organelles, are multicellular organisms, and contain chloroplasts in plants and algae.
The endoplasmic reticulum is a system of membranous tubules and sacs, serving as the circulatory system of the cell, allowing molecules in the cell to move from one part to another.
Ribosomes are the most common organelles in almost all cells, not surrounded by a membrane, and are protein micro-machines.
Theodore Schwann and Matthias Schleiden are recognized for their work on cell theory.
The cell is the basic unit of life and cells come from pre-existing cells.
The plasma membrane separates the cell from its external environment, envelope, gives shape to the cell, and regulates the movement of materials.
Ribosomes can exist as polysomes or polyribosomes, a group of 80s ribosomes working together translating mRNA to polypeptides, or as free ribosomes floating in the cytoplasm.
Rudolf Virchow stated that cells are of two basic types: Eukaryotic Cell and Prokaryotic Cell.
Human body has 11 organ systems: Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Urinary, Digestive, Reproductive.
Organs are composed of tissues.
Cell Membrane is found in both cells.
Lysosome is in both cells.
Passive Transport includes Simple Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, and Osmosis.
Flagella are only on animal cells.
The cell wall is found only in the plant cell.
Rough and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum are found in both cells.
The cell membrane determines what molecules can move into or out of the cell.
Nuclear Membrane is in both cells.
Nucleolus is in both cells.
Chloroplast is in plant cells and converts light energy into sugars that can be used by the cells.