Modern technology can be beneficial when assessing whether someone has the potential to be an athlete, for example assessing bone density and internal body fat.
Modern technology can be beneficial for health screening devices.
Modern technology can be beneficial for prosthetic devices developed for athletes who have lost a lower limb.
Modern technology can be beneficial for wheelchair devices with slanted back wheels allowing tennis players to move across the court quickly.
Modern technology can be beneficial with improved access to buildings, for example specialist hoists at swimming pools.
Modern technology can be beneficial for rehabilitation and elite training facilities with state of the art equipment.
Modern technology can be beneficial with simulating different competitive environments.
Modern technology can be beneficial through improved sports surfaces and artificial lighting.
Modern technology can be beneficial through the provision of equipment for elite athletes.
Modern technology can be beneficial by the use of composite material in rackets and protective gear, making them lighter.
Modern technology can be beneficial by improving the design of trainers and footwear.
Modern technology can be beneficial through the development of the hypoxic chambers.
Modern technology can be beneficial through precise hydration techniques.
Modern technology can be beneficial through more effective physiological laboratory testing for athletes.
Modern technology can be beneficial through gait analysis in runners to help avoid injury.
Modern technology can be beneficial through heart rate monitors and GPS watches helping to monitor activity and motivate performance.
There are some drawbacks for sport with the increased use of modern technology: Equipment is expensive and has led to inequality for both elite and recreational performers.
There are some drawbacks for sport with the increased use of modern technology: In developing countries, the expense of sophisticated equipment and facilities is prohibitive.
There are some drawbacks for sport with the increased use of modern technology: Range of alternatives to physical activity and sport like computers and game consoles which can make people sedentary and less likely to take part in sport.
Developments in technology over the years has helped elite performers improve even more.
Due to developments in technology more world records have been broken and the quality in professional sports such as football and tennis has excelled more due to improvements in footwear, ball and racquet design.
An example of how modern technology has helped to maximise performance in sport within professionals is accurate player analysis. For example, GPS trackers to monitor where a footballer runs to advise them when to conserve energy.
An example of how modern technology has helped to maximise performance in sport within professionals is improving fitness. For example, hypoxic chambers or masks to simulate conditions at altitude.
An example of how modern technology has helped to maximise performance in sport within professionals is improved equipment. For example, cricket bats made from synthetic material.
An example of how modern technology has helped to maximise performance in sport within professionals is increased sport science support and testing. For example, more advanced and reliable VO2 max tests.
An example of how modern technology has helped to maximise performance in sport within professionals is advancements in sports medicine such as treatments and diagnosis. For example, keyhole surgery with quicker recovery times.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through access with prosthetics and elite wheelchairs.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through equipment with aerodynamics making it efficient and lighter.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through equipment with improved training aids.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through equipment with improved injury detection, treatment and rehab.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through safety with video analysis.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through safety with gait analysis.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through safety with safety clothing and equipment.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through safety with wearable technology.
Modern technology has positively affected elite level sport through safety with the development of sports surfaces.
Modern technology has negatively affected elite level sport through safety by creating an unfair advantage to those who can afford technology.
Modern technology has limited elite performance by becoming too good. For example, full length swim suits have been banned.
Modern technology has improved elite performance by improving comfort. For example, sport's bras have more breathable materials.
A positive effect of modern technology on participation is increased motivation. Devices might be used as exercise monitors and there is online access to fitness programmes.
A positive effect of modern technology on participation is knowledge and performances. Devices may increase knowledge or improve performance within participation level.