Electrical Charges

Cards (22)

  • a defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest
  • defibrillation needs a large amount of current to restore a heartbeat that has already stopped
  • electric current is defined as the rate at which charge flows through the surface of a conductor
  • electric charge is carried by particles called electrons
  • CONVENTIONAL CURRENT is from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal (Positive to Negative)
    is from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive terminal (Negative to Positive)
  • Most electrical signals carried by current's travel at a speed of 108 m/s.
  • DRIFT - means a slow movement towards something
  • DRIFT VELOCITY - defined as the average velocity attained by charged particles in a material due to electric field.
  • CURRENT DENSITY -amount of electric current traveling per unit cross-section area and expressed in Amperes per square meter
  • the higher is the current, the higher will be the current density.
  • the more charges that flows through the cross-section of the wire per unit time, the greater is the current
  • DRIFT VELOCITY is directly proportional to both the electrical current and current density.
  • CONDUCTORS - are materials that permit electrons to flow freely from particle to particle.
  • WIRE - used to connect the components of an electric current
  • •VOLUME CONTROL KNOB - variable resistor that controls the volume of the sound
  • VARIABLE RESISTOR - made of a long wire looped around insulator used to regulate current. - widely used in the different gadgets.
  • Resistor - is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of an electrical current
  • FIXED RESISTOR - resistor which possess fixed resistance
  • Variable Resistor - resistor which provide variable value of resistance
  • Carbon Film Resistor - fixed resistor where the resistive material is composed of carbon clay, and the leads of the resistor is made up of tinned copper
  • Metal Film Resistor - fixed resistor type which uses a metal oxide film and the resistance can be adjusted by cutting the helical grove in the film