Free Will = The ability to make choices and decisions without being controlled by deterministic forces.
Topics for Free Will
Humanistic Approach
Humanistic Approach (Free Will)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs = self-actualisation & personal growth
Client-centred/Rogerian Therapy = client exerts control over therapy compared to Freudian therapy
Determinism = behaviour is controlled by determinisitc influences beyond our control
Hard Determinism (fatalism) = the view that all human behaviour has a cause that can be identified & described; everything we think/do is controlled by internal/external forces we cannot control
Topics for Hard Determinsim
Brain Sex Theory for Gender Dysphoria
Chromosomes & Hormones on Gender Development
Biological Explanations for OCD
Two-process Theory for Phobias
Topics for Soft Determinsim
Social Learning Theory
Cognitive Approach
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Soft Determinism = human behvaiour has a cause but can also be determined by conscious choices
Social Learning Theory (Soft Determinism)
Mediational Processes = control via motivation
Conditioning = no control
Biological Determinism = the belief that behaviour is caused by biological influences that we cannot control
Topics for Biological Determinism
Brain Sex Theory for Gender Dysphoria
Chromosomes & Hormones on Gender Development
Biological Explanations for OCD
Environmental Determinism = the belief that behaviour is caused by features of the environment that we cannot control
Topics for Environmental Determinism
Two-process Theory for Phobias
Learning Theory for Attachment (Cupboard Love Theory)
Psychic Determinism = the belief that behaviour is caused by unconscious conflicts and childhood influences that we cannot control
Topics for Psychic Determinism
Psychodynamic Explanation for Gender Dysphoria
Internal Working Model
Psychodynamic Explanation for Gender Development
Authoritarian Personality
Scientific Emphasis on Causal Explanations
Finding a cause which can be explained by general laws
Allows scientists to predict and control future events
Adpots a determinist approach
Features of a Science
Evaluation: Case forFree Will
Face validity = making choices daily gives us the impression of FW
People with internal LoC tend to be more mentally healthy
Roberts et al (2000) = adolecesnts with strong belief in fatalism at a higher risk of depression
Evaluation: Case againstFree Will
Libet (1985) and Soon et al (2000) = decision making activity occurs in brain up to 10 seconds before we are consciously aware
Lack of free will; actions determined by brain
Evaluation: Case for Determinism
Consistent with aims of science
Human behaviour is orderly and obeys laws
Allows treatments, therapies and interventions
Evaluation: Case againstDeterminism
Contribution to scientific racism
Eugenics = racial hierarchy based on innate inferiority of racial groups
Research into individual differences & abilities confirmed beliefs
Biological deterministic approach
Evaluation: Case againstDeterminism
Not conistent with Britishlegal system
Offenders held morally accountable
Evaluation: Case againstDeterminism
Can be used to legitimise fixed gender differences and contribute to gender discrimination
Evaluation: Interactionist Approach
Social Learning Theory/Soft determinism
Bandura = environmental factors are key to learning as well as mediational factors such as motivation