unit 8: personality
Created by
Rhea Hossain
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Cards (75)
psychoanalytic theory
: Freuds theory that focuses on the unconscious mind and how childhood trauma influences our behaviour and personality
psychodynamic theory
: the focus on unconscious mind influences our thoughts, emotions, and behavior due to childhood experiences
: a theory that the minds energy is exchanged, transformed, and expressed
: form of therapy aimed to bring out unconscious thoughts and feelings to the surface
free association
: method used to explore the unconscious mind, the person relaxes whilst syaing whatever comes to mind
dream interpretation
: analyzing and understanding what your dreams mean thus revealing your hidden desires
freudian slip
: when someone unintentionally says something that reveals their true desires
: conscious rational part that compromises betweem the id and superego
reality principal
: egos ability to mediate between the id and the superego
defense mechanisms
: thoughts that are used to reduce anxiety
: opposes the bad ideas of the ID being the "should and should not's"
: opposes good ideas and always acts on impulse always wanting to feel immediate pleasure, avoiding discomfort
: term created by freud to describe the sexual drive or sexual instincts
oral stage
: birth-18 months focuses on pleasure on the mouth
anal stage
: 18 months- 3 years kids learning to control bowel movement pleasure focused on anal region
phalic stage
: 6 to puberty, children are attracted to their opposite sex parent
latency stage
: 6 to puberty seek friendship with the same gender
genital stage
: after puberty, sexual desires and sex identity
oedipus complex
: during the phalic stage, boy is in love with his mom
: phalic stage, girl is in love with her dad
: during latency stage, the kid starts to act like the same gender parent so they can get love from opposite gender parent
penis envy
: during the phalic stage when girls notice their lack of a penis, they see it as a deficit
anal retentive personality
: a person who is obsessive about cleanliness and hygiene
anal expulsive
personality: youre disorganized, careless, and artistic
phalic traits
: a person has trouble relating to the opposite sex
oral trait
: youre obsessed with unhealthy behaviors that include your mouth
rorschach inkblot test: identifies inner feelings by analyzing the persons interpretations
: subconsciously blocking undesireable ideas
: you mirror immature behavior
reaction formation
: someone acts opposite to how they really feel
: a process by which people attempt to justify or excuse their unacceptable behavior
: transfer of negative emotions to something or someone unrelated
: the process by which a person turns their aggressive or sexual feelings into more positive behaviours
ex; being more productive when youre sad
: people refuse to believe something painful
: someone doesnt want something to happen so they believe another person is doing that because theyre doing that
ex; thinking your partner is cheating on you because youre cheating on them
humanistic theory of personality
: made up of needs to adapt and learn
self-actualizing personalities
: healthy indiviuals who have met their basic needs and are free to be creative and have a peak experience
carl rogers
: identified healthy personality as "fully functioning person"
fully functioning person
: an indiviual who has self-concept thats positve and is realistc about it
positive self regard
: a persons feeling about themself based off of surronding factors
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