Laboratory experiment main features : the independent variable is manipulated, the depend variable is measured and any extraneousvariable should be controlled
The aim of a lab experiment is to establish the cause and effect relationship between the manipulation of the IV and the changes in the Dv
Extraneous Variables include : participantvariables -->age , gender , intelligence. Situationalvariables —> experimental setting , temperature , lighting . Experimentervariables —> personality , appearance and conductoftheresearcher
Extraneous variables : couldimpact the dependentvariable
Confounding variable : hasimpacted the dependent variable
Operationalisation : defining thevariablesprecisely —> exactly how the IV will be manipulated and how the DV will be measured
Advantages of laboratory experiments : high levels of control over all of the variables in the experiment . The use of standardised procedures means that the research is replicable which increases reliability
Disadvantages of laboratory experiments : demand characteristics may be an issue . lack of ecologicalvalidity due to artificial nature of the procedure . Lack mundane realism —> this means results cannot be generalised to real world behaviours
Field Experiments : Independent variable is manipulated .The dependent variable is measured. In the participants naturalenvironment .
Advantages of field experiments : High ecologicalvalidity due to being in a reallife setting . Participants are lesslikely to show demand characteristics due to being less likely to know what is expected from them . high levels of mundane realism.
Disadvantages of field experiments: harder to control extraneous variables —> could change the measurement of the dependent variable. Harder to replicate due to being in a natural environment
Natural experiments : Naturally occuring changes in the independent variable are observed and recorded. dependent variable is measured . In the participant natural environment
Advantages of natural experiments : Highest level of ecological validity due to being in a natural setting with natural behaviour . Less bias from sampling or demand characteristics.
Disadvantages of natural experiments : Lack of control over outside variables . Replicable issues which affect reliability.
Quasi Experiments : Independent variable cannot be manipulated , E.g age or gender . dependent variable is measured . A natural experiment is a subtype of quasi experiments however quasi can also take place in a lab .
Advantages of quasi experiments : high external validity —> quasi experiments research design tend to be more real world application , especially within social sciences. Often carried out in controlled conditions —> High control , better replication. Avoids ethical issues surrounding the manipulation of the independent variable
Disadvantages of quasi experiments : confounding variables —> cannot use random allocation to condition . Difficult to explain a cause and effect conclusion due to participants being aware they are being studied .
Experimental design are the ways participants are allocated to experimental groups Of an investigation .
Repeated measure design : Where the same participants are allocated to all groups of an experiment.
Advantages of repeated measure design : The result will avoid participant variables due to using the same participants in all the groups . No need for extra participants so lowers costs
Disadvantages of repeated measures design : Risk of observing order effect ( e.g practice/fatigue effect) however risk can be reduced by counterbalancing . If a participant drops out , data will be lost in allconditions
Independent groups design : where different participants take part in each experimental conditions ( allocated randomly) .
Advantages of independent group design : order effect cannot be observed due to not using the same participants . Data collection will be less time consuming if all conditions of the experiment can be conducted simultaneously.
disadvantages of independent group design : different participants need to be recruited for each condition which can be difficult and expensive . Risk of participant variables e.g individual differences .
Matched Pairs design : where participants take part in only 1 experimental condition but are recruited to have similar characteristics to other participants in other conditions
Advantages of matched pairs design : order effect won’t be observed . Reduced risk of participants variables .
Disadvantages of matched pairs design : different participants need to be recruited for each condition which can be difficult and expensive . Very difficult to match participants identically.
minimising the effect of extraneous variables : standardisation , counterbalancing , randomisation .
Standardisation ensures all extraneous variables are kept the same across conditions . ( keeps the methods and procedures the same )
counterbalancing is used in repeat measures design to prevent order effect influencing the results .
Process of counterbalancing : split participants into 2 groups . 1 group does condition A then B . Other group will do condition B then A . Allows the order effect impacting on both condition equally