Cards (26)

  • Dictionary definition of love ~
    1. An intense affection for another person based on personal or familiar ties.
    2. The deep tenderness, affection and concern felt for a person with whom one has a relationship.
  • Love is...
    'To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.’    Gottfried Wilhelm (18th century German philosopher.)
    ‘We love the things we love for what they are.’
     Robert Frost (20th century American poet.)
  • Eros - This type of love is based on desire. This is being ‘in love.’ It relates to sexual love, passion and desire that a husband and wife have for each other.
  • Storge - This type of love is based on affection, and is the type of love we have for those family members that we are very close to such as parents. It is also the type of love we have for things such as food and pets.
  • Philia - This type of love is based on friendship and the closeness between people who have common interests, such as good friends and family.
  • Agape - This is Christian love. Loving people unconditionally even those who you find hard to like. Jesus taught Christians this type of love; selfless and caring love.  It is putting others before yourself.
    • Storge “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” Adultery
    • Eros      NO!!
    • Philia I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 
    • Agape- ‘Father into your hands I commend my spirit’ Crucifixion
  • Quote supporting Jesus' selfless and unconditional love
    In this lesson we were basically exploring the different types of love, why they are important and what makes a good and bad relationship. Use the lesson in my book to revise.
  • What does being assertive mean?
    • This does not mean being aggressive.
    • It means staying calm but being firm and recognising the rights of others. 
    • This is a skill that needs practice.
    • It can help in difficult situations especially when people are pushing you to do something you do not want to do. 
    Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or other people's rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive, or passively accepting 'wrong'
  • What does being aggressive mean?
    Being aggressive in a relationship involves threatening, shouting, violence and is a bad quality in a relationship.
  • The 4 c's
    1. What is the issue? Get CLEAR what the issue or problem is
    2. What options are there for solving the problem? CONSIDER options for solving it
    3. What are the consequences if the problem was solved aggressively? Think about the CONSEQUENCES of each option
    4. What are the consequences if the problem was solved assertively? Think about the CONSEQUENCES of each option
    5. What is the best option to choose and why? CHOOSE the best option
  • How are teenagers portrayed in the media?
    Popular ideas about teenagers are often polarised: from lazy, immature school kids who love to wake up late, to threatening gangs of youths dressed in hoodies, to reckless children who need to be protected from their own stupid decisions.
    “Hoodie”, “louts”, “heartless”, “evil”, “frightening”, “scum”, “monsters”, “inhuman” and “threatening”. These are just some of the words that have been used in the past to describe youth in the UK.
  • Teenage pressures
    The majority of young people feel their generation is under pressure to solve environmental issues such as climate change and plastic pollution.
  • Key facts about Sexual relationships
    • The Victorians campaigned to have a legal age of consent to stop children being exploited. Is this still important?
    • Medical research shows that a woman’s cervix is mature at 20 years old. Having sex before this age can cause damage to the developing cells which can increase the risk of cervical cancer. An immature cervix is also more susceptible to contracting STIs.
    • If a person chooses to have sex they are also choosing to risk pregnancy and an STI – no contraception is 100% safe.
    • 30% of teenage conceptions occur when teens are drunk
    Check RE book for this lesson - questions and worksheets
  • Catholic social teachings on sex
    1. Genesis 1:27 “So God created man and woman in His image, he blessed them and said to them ‘Be fruitful and multiply’”
    2. Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
  • Catholic social teachings on sex and marriage
    “The Roman Catholic Church teaches that sex should take place between a married man and woman with the purpose of having children and to unite a couple. Children should be brought up in a family environment.”
  • PROCREATIVE → every sexual act should be open to the possibility of having children, if not, you are going against God’s wishes. Therefore, contraception and any sexual acts that have no possibility of resulting in pregnancy are immoral.
    MARITAL → people should only be having sex once they are married. Therefore, sex before marriage, extramarital sex and homosexual acts are immoral in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
    UNITIVE → the purpose of sexual act is to unite a married couple and to bring them closer together, to bind them as ‘one flesh’
  • Why does the Catholic Church teach that people should wait till they are married to have sex?
    “The Roman Catholic Church teaches that sex should take place between a married man and woman with the purpose of having children and to unite a couple. Children should be brought up in a family environment.”
    • Sex is a beautiful gift from God demanding responsibility, commitment and total love.
    • It is always wrong to use a person as a thing
    • Sexual intercourse is very special (it can create new life)
    • Sex is the most beautiful expression of a deep, loving, lifelong union between two people.
  • Answer the Question
  • REMEMBER for the test
  • Marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman. The sacramental union between a man and a woman in the Roman Catholic Church witnessed by a priest and the community. 
    Couples will be required to attend marriage preparation classes to ensure they fully understand the conditions of marriage (having children, being free to marry and loving one another) and the importance of the vows. 
  • This might be useful for revision
  • There is a worksheet we got in the last lesson so make sure to use that. Its very important