Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

Cards (9)

  • Herniated Nucleus Pulposus/etiology: aka ruptured disk, slipped disk, etc. It is the protrusion of the soft center of a disk in the spinal cord or nerve. 
  • Symptoms: pain in the sciatic nerve called sciatica that radiates the backside of the leg
  • Sciatica: pain along the sciatic nerve, often radiating down the leg and caused by pressure on the spinal nerve.
  • Diagnosis: physical exam confirmed by CT scan, MRI, or myelogram.
  • Myelogram: an X-ray picture taken after injecting dye into the spinal canal to reveal compression on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. 
  • Treatment: Exercise therapy can reduce the size of the protrusion and relieve LBP. If pain persists after therapy then a diskectomy or laminectomy can be performed. 
  • Diskectomy: surgery to remove a vertebral disk.
  • Laminectomy: surgery to cut away part of the vertebra to open the area around the spinal nerve. 
  • Prevention: proper lifting, weight control, and maintaining a good exercise and walking program.