Sicily and Italy

Cards (8)

  • Which year was it in?
    10 July 1943
  • Why did this invasion take place?
    To remove Italy from war
    Secure central Mediterranean
    Divert German decisions from the northwest coast of France where all Allies planned to attack
  • Operation Husky
  • Large amphibious and airborne operation combined and 6 week land campaign -> Monty's 8th Army and General Patton's US 7th Army worked to take the island from Germany
  • 25 July
    King Victor Emmanuel sacked Mussolini
  • Who was Harold Alexander?
    Major General in 1937
    Commanded the First Division in France
    After Dunkirk retreat, he replaced Lord Gort as commander in chief of British Expeditionary Force and led the evacuation
    1942 summer British commander in chief in the Mediterranean theatre
    Him and Monty reorganised British forces+drove Germans back from Egypt+across North Africa until surrender: May 1943
  • Praises of the invasion on Italy?
    Genius on Churchill's part
    Germans lured into conflict on terms favourable to Britain
    Germans forced to commit large numbers of vehicles due to demands of desert warfare- used against USSR to greater effect
    Prevented German seizure of Middle East oil field and German troops linking up against southern Russia
  • Criticism of invasion on Italy?
    Peripheral areas of Europe with traditional British interests - Russians faced the brunt of the fighting
    Italian campaign degenerated into costly+slow campaigns - like WW1 ones- Churchill wanted to avoid