
Cards (4)

  • Peter Principle - states that an employee continues to receive promotions to work in higher ranks up to that point where he reaches a level of incompetence.
    • if you perform well in your job, you will likely be promoted to the next level of your organization's hierarchy
  •  Premack principle - if a person wants to perform a given activity, the person will perform a less desirable activity to get at the more desirable activity.
    • Ex: Child wants to play, therefore he needs to study first before he can play.
  • Ammerman technique/(principle) - refers to a job analysis method in which a Group of job experts identifies the objectives and standards to be met by the ideal worker.
    Kerword: Experts who identify the KSAO
  • normative principle - refers to a guiding standard or rule that dictates appropriate behavior or decision-making within organizations.
    Keyword: Following the rules and regulations