Therapeutic Exercise for Ankle and Foot

Cards (55)

  • Pes Planus
    A pronated posture of the hindfoot and decreased medial longitudinal arch, also known as flat foot.
  • Pes Cavus
    A high-arched foot, also known as a supinated foot.
  • Intrinsic Muscles
    Muscles providing support to the arches during gait, similar to those of the hand.
  • Ankle Dorsiflexors in gait
    Muscles countering plantarflexion during initial foot contact and controlling foot lowering to the ground.
  • Ankle Plantarflexors in gait
    Muscles functioning eccentrically to control tibial movement and concentrically for pushoff during gait.
  • Ankle Evertors In gait
    Muscles facilitating weight shifting from the lateral to medial side of the foot in late stance phase.
  • Ankle Inverters in Gait
    Muscles helping control pronation force on the hindfoot and medial longitudinal arch during gait.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis progression
    A condition affecting the forefoot early, hindfoot later, and leading to progressive instabilities and painful deformities.
  • Joint Hypomobility Protection Phase
    Patient education, decrease pain, maintain joint and soft tissue mobility
  • Tibiofemoral distraction
    pain control and general mobility
  • Tibiofemoral posterior glide
    Increase flexion
  • Tibiofemoral anterior glide
    increase extension
  • Talocrural distraction
    pain control and general mobility
  • Talocrural posterior glide
    increase dorsiflexion
  • Talocrural anterior glide
    increase plantarflexion
  • Joint Hypomobility Controlled motion
    Increase joint play and accessory motion, improve joint tracking regain balance in muscle strength, increase mobility of soft tissues and muscles, improve balance and proprioception
  • Total Ankle Arthroplasty TAA indication
    End stage ankle arthritis, sufficient integrity of ligaments for stability, low-moderate physical demands, flexible deformity to be corrected, adequate vascular flow
  • TAA Contraindications
    Active/ chronic ankle infection, severe osteoporosis or bone shock, avascular necrosis of talus, peripheral neuropathy, impaired vascular supply, long-term corticosteroid use, skeletally immature
  • TAA Complications
    Fracture of medial or lateral malleolus, implant malpositioning, tendon laceration, nerve injury, infection, postoperative edema, tarsal tunnel syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome
  • TAA Post-op Immobilization
    10-21 days
  • TAA Weight Bearing
    Based on surgeon approach and pathology of tissues
  • TAA Max protection
    RICE, maintain joint mobility distal and proximal to ankle, postop complication prevention, restablish independent ambulation and functional mobility, minimize atrophy, prevent stiffness
  • TAA Mod to min Protection
    Achieve 100% ROM, Restore strength, muscular endurance, and balance, improve aerobic capacity, resume safe level of work activities, return to fitness and sport
  • Ankle Arthrodiesis Indictions
    Debilitating pain, severe articular degeneration, marked instability or stiffness, deformity of ankle foot or toes, ostenecrosis of talus, salvage procedure after failed TAA
  • Ankle Arthrodesis Contraindications
    Vascular impairment/ infection, uncontrolled diabetes, active tobacco use, severe ipsilateral subtalar arthrosis, severe contralateral ankle arthrosis
  • Arthrodesis of ankle
    Fuse talus to tibia
  • Arthrodesis of hind foot
    Talonavicular and talocalcaneal or talocalcaneal, talonavicular,and calcaneocuboid
  • Arthrodesis of first toe
    First MTP
  • Arthrodesis of IP joint
    IP joints fused in neutral
  • Arthrodesis Complications
    Non-union, smaller area and poorer vascular supply, nerve damage, neuromas postop stress fracture, delayed wound healing
  • Arthrodesis postop management
    Immobilization dependent on surgeo
  • Tendinopathy
    Umbrella term that indicates disorder of tendon
  • Tendinosis
    Long standing, chronic, degenerative tendon that is absent of inflammatory mediators or cells
  • Tendonitis
    Acute inflammatory process in tendon
  • Tensynovitis
    inflammation of a tendon sheath
  • Anterior shin splints

    Overuse of tibialis muscle
  • Posterior shin splints
    Tight gastroc-soleus complex and weak or inflamed posterior tib
  • Leg, heel, foot pain protection phase interventions
    Cross friction massage, sub max muscle-setting, passive stretch plantar flexors, AROM within pain free range, supportive taping or orthotics
  • Leg, heel, foot pain controlled motion education
    HEP, teach ROM before standing to reduce pain
  • Leg, heel, foot pain controlled motion increase mobility
    Gastroc-soleus stretch, joint and soft tissue mobs, toe extension with ankle dorsiflexion and eversion