Susceptibility to cancer escalates when the diet is poor in protective foods such as fruits and vegetables high in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber
Factors contributing to the development of cancer include carcinogens, age, genetic make-up, immune system, body weight, diet, physical activity, environment, and viruses
Metabolic profile observed in cancer cells includes increased consumption of glucose and glutamine, increased glycolysis, changes in the use of metabolic enzyme isoforms, and increased secretion of lactate
Sites, Risk Factors & Warning Signs of Different Cancers:
Lung Cancer:
Causes: Cigarette smoking, exposure to radiation, asbestos, ionizing radiation, secondary smoke, air pollution, low fruit and vegetable diet with high meat consumption
Cancers are classified according to the tissues they originate from, such as carcinoma from skin cells and glandular organs, sarcomas from muscles and connective tissues, gliomas from brain tissues, and lymphomas from lymphatic system tissues
Symptoms and diagnosis of cancer can include changes in bowel or bladder habits, non-healing sores, unexplained anemia, lumps in the breast or elsewhere, indigestion, changes in moles or warts, persistent cough or hoarseness, and sudden weight loss
Goals of nutritional care for cancer patients include improving or maintaining optimal nutrition status and body weight, maintaining strength during therapy, preventing or reversing immunosuppression, and ensuring survival and functional status
Nutrition interventions for cancer patients include eating 5-6 small meals instead of 3 larger meals, providing a relaxed atmosphere for meals, consuming high-calorie and high-protein foods, responding to hunger cues, keeping snacks handy, increasing fluid intake, and adjusting fiber intake
Cancer prevention strategies include maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, with a greater intake of fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of various cancers
Cancer control program in the Philippines includes primary prevention strategies like anti-smoking campaigns for lung cancer and secondary prevention strategies like self-breast exams for breast cancer
<|>Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the terminal stage of an infection caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which primarily attacks white blood cells