
Cards (9)

  • Compression is a region where the air particles are closer together, resulting in air pressure higher than normal atmospheric pressure.
  • Rarefaction is a region where the air particles are further apart, resulting in air pressure lower than normal atmospheric pressure.
  • Loudness relates to amplitude.
  • Pitch relates to frequency.
  • audible and inaudible sound:
    infrasound: 0-20Hz
    human: 20-20000Hz
    dogs: 20-100000Hz
    ultrasound: 20000-1000000+Hz
  • Reflection of sound is called an echo.
  • Sonar (sound, navigation and ranging) technology, imaging internal organs and breaking up kidney stones and cancer treatment are all under ultrasound.
  • Sound waves are a longitudinal wave which needs a medium to propagate
  • Sound waves can measure the depth of sea floor, find fishes, medical imagine and breaking up kidney stones