cranial nerves

Cards (12)

  • CN 1: olfactory
    function: sensory - smell
  • CN 2: optic
    function: sensory - sight (retina)
  • CN 3: oculomotor
    function: motor - eye movement and para-pupillary constriction
  • CN 4: trochlear
    function: motor - dorsal oblique mm. of the eyes
  • CN 5: Trigeminal
    function: motor and sensory - facial and oral cavity sensation and movement
  • CN 6: Abducens
    function: motor - lateral rectus and retractor bulbi eye muscles
  • CN 7: Facial
    function: motor and sensory - facial expression, sensation, salivation
  • CN 8: vestibulocochlear
    function: sensory - acoustic
  • CN 9: Glossopharyngeal
    function: motor and sensory - root tongue taste, pharynx and middle ear sensation
  • CN 10: Vagus
    function: motor and sensory - pharynx, larynx and oesophagus mm. also thoracic and abdominal viscera
  • CN 11: Accessory
    function: motor - trapezius, omotransversarius, celidocephalicus and sternocephalicus
  • CN 12: Hypoglossal
    function: motor - muscles of the tongue