deviation ideal mental health

Cards (8)

  • what is the definition of deviation from ideal mental health?
    failure to meet the criteria for perfect psychological wellbeing
  • what does this definition perceive abnormality as?
    perceives abnormaslty in a similar way to how physical health is assessed, by looking for signs of an absence of wellbeing m but in terms of mental rather than physical health
    therefore any deviation away from what is seen as normal is classified as abnormal
  • what does this definition need?
    a set of characteristics of what is required to be normal and these were provided by MARIE JAHODA who devised the concept of ideal mental health
  • who devised the concept of ideal mental health?
    marie jahoda
  • what did marie jahoda describe?
    six characteristics that individuals should exhibit in order to be normal
    • an absence of any of these indicates that someone is abnormal
    • the more characteristics a person fails to meet and the further they are away from realising individual characteristics, the more abnormal they are.
  • give 3 of jahoda's characteristics of ideal mental health?
    • RESISTING STRESS- having effective coping strategies and being able to cope with everyday anxiety-provoking situations
    • ACCURATE PERCEPTION OF REALITY- seeing world in non-distorted fashion and having objective and realistic view of world
    • AUTONOMY- being independent , self-reliant and able to make personal decisions
  • give 3 strengths of the definition?
    1. POSITIVITY- emphasises positive achievements rather than failures and distress and stresses a positive approach to mental problems by focusing on what is desirable
    2. HOLISTIC - considers a person as a whole person rather than focusing on individual areas of their behaviour
    3. GOAL SETTING- permits identification of exactly what is needed to achieve normality, allowing creation of personal goals to work towards and achieve, thus facilitating self-growth
  • give 3 limitations of this definition?
    1. CHANGES OVER TIME: perceptions of reality change over time
    2. NON-DESIRABILITY OF AUTONOMY: collectivist cultures stress communal goals and behaviours and see autonomy as undesirable. western cultures want autonomy. cultural bias
    3. CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS- mh criteria are affected by context . spitting while out jogging is normal but not while in a cafe