Introduction to Management, Administration, and Leadership

Cards (33)

  • Management involves maximizing productivity by using and developing people’s talent, providing self-enrichment and opportunities for growth, and allocating resources to accomplish tasks and objectives
  • Management is the act or skill of directing and organizing the work of a company
  • In the 20th Century, Peter F. Drucker became known as the father of Modern Management
  • Administration involves facilitating the act of organizing people and resources to achieve desired goals and purposes
  • Administration encompasses all activities involved in managing and organizing the affairs of a company
  • Leadership involves providing facilitation or guidance in organizing people and resources to achieve desired goals and purposes, as well as the ability to influence others
  • Managers are individuals formally appointed to positions of authority in organizations
  • Technical skills refer to the ability to apply methods, processes, and techniques of managing
  • Conceptual skills involve the mental ability to see how various factors fit together and interact
  • Human relations skills include cooperating, understanding, motivating, and leading workers
  • Organization refers to an administrative and functional structure, personnel within that structure, and an organized body of people with a particular purpose
  • The process of organization involves determining and classifying a firm’s activities, grouping activities into workable departments, assigning authority and responsibility, developing relationships, and framing policies for coordination
  • Management consists of interrelated social and technical functions and activities to accomplish organizational objectives using people and resources in a formal setting
  • The main elements of management include interrelated social and technical functions, achieving objectives using people and resources, and performing processes in a formal organizational setting
  • Benefits of planning include improving focus, flexibility, action orientation, coordination, time management, and control
  • Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping work to be performed and delegating responsibility, authority, and establishing relationships to enable effective work towards objectives
  • Key concepts in organizing include authorization, impact, responsibility, power, and accountability
  • The process of organizing involves:
    • identifying and discussing work - avoids redundancy
    • departmentalization - work classification
    • assignment of task - according to skills, competencies , and qualifications
    • establishing organizational hierarchy - awareness on whom to report
    • provision of resources to members - arrangement of resourceses
    • coordinating of efforts and scheduling of activities - logical and systematic matter
  • Types of Organization Structure
    Line Organization - oldest and simplest form or organization
    • Advantage - clearly defines reporting relationships
    • Disadvantage - first-level managers or employees may feel they do not have any power in improving the organization
  • Types of Organization Structure
    Functional Organization - organizations are divided into specialized groups with specific roles and duties
    • Advantage - employees grouped by skill
    • Disadvantage - management issues
  • Types of Organization Structure
    Line-and-Staff - modified line organization
    • General Staff - ordinary employees that assists the senior managers
    • Specialized Staff - experts that offer services to the organization
  • Types of Organization Structure
    Divisional Organization - organization that groups units within the organization around the geographic location, product, and customer types; self contained structures
  • Types of Organization Structure
    Virtual Organization - recent development that involves personnel across different location; can also be called as: Digital Organization, Network Organization, Modular Organization
  • Management Functions
    Planning - the first step in managing and involves environmental scanning
    Organizing - develops intentional patterns of relationships among staff and other resources
    Staffing - acquiring, maintaining, retaining human capital
    Directing - managers initiating actions
    Controlling - managers control by comparing actual and desired results
  • 3 Types of Managers
    • Senior Manager (ex. Leader of organizations)
    • Middle Manager (ex. Deans of colleges)
    • First-Level Manager (ex. Small business managers)
  • Steps of Strategic Planning
    1. Organizing and Selecting a Strategic Planning Team, Including Stakeholders
    Stakeholders - affects by the organization's operation; two types
    • Internal - direct relationship with the business (example: investors, trade unions, creditors)
    • External - persons/organizations affected in the business' operations (example: community, customers)
    • Government can be both a Internal and External stakeholder
  • Steps of Strategic Planning
    2. Identifying the Organization's Strategic Direction
    •  Mission - defines why an organization exists and its purpose
    • Vision - captures an organization's aspiration organization’s aspiration
    • Core Values - what values should guide the operations of our company?
  • Steps of Strategic Planning
    3. Conducting a Strategic Analysis
    • SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
  • Steps of Strategic Planning
    4. Defining Major Goals - SMART
    • Specific - the goal is concrete and tangible - everyone knows what it looks like
    • Measurable - the goal has an objective measure of success that everyone can understand
    • Attainable - the goal is challenging, but should be achievable with the resources available
    • Relevant - the goal meaningfully contributes to larger objectives like the overall mission
    • Timely - the goal has a deadline or, better yet, a timeline of progress milestones
  • Steps of Strategic Planning
    5. Developing an Action Plan - 5Ps of Marketing
    • Promotion, Products, People, Price, Place
  • Steps of Strategic Planning

    6. Developing a monitoring and evaluation system, which includes identifying metrics for success
    • Monitoring - objective, process, analysis, measuring, evaluation, review
  • Steps of Strategic Planning
    7. Communicating the plan to others
  • 19th century - the concept of management begun