Stem cells can undergo symmetrical division to produce identical daughter stem cells or asymmetrical division to produce a progenitor daughter cell for specialized cell types
Stem cells are able to differentiate into specialised cells upon receiving specific gene expressions and the synthesis of tissue-specific structures that enable these specialised cells to perform certain functions
Totipotent stem cells have the ability to differentiate into all cell types that make up an entire organism, including extra-embryonic tissue such as the placenta
Adult stem cells, like myeloid and lymphoid stem cells, are examples of multipotent stem cells found in different tissues of an organism after embryonic development
The main purpose of multipotent adult stem cells is to produce specialized cells for growth and development, and for the replacement of cells lost due to cell death and injury
Blood stem cells, like myeloid and lymphoid stem cells, found primarily in bone marrow, can differentiate into all types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, but not other cell types like kidney cells
Stem cell therapy involving adult stem cells has general advantages, such as the multipotent nature of adult stem cells ensuring differentiation into the respective specialized cell type, restoring function of damaged or diseased tissue
Stem cell therapy involving adult stem cells also benefits from the self-renewing nature of stem cells, ensuring that transplanted stem cells constantly replicate in the patient to maintain a constant pool of stem cells
Stem cell transplant involves obtaining adult stem cells directly from the donor organ or tissue in which they are found, providing therapies for illnesses like Parkinson's disease, leukaemia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, sickle-cell anaemia, and heart damage
In a bone marrow haematopoietic stem cell transplant, the patient is irradiated to remove existing haematopoietic cells and white blood cells, then healthy stem cells from a donor are multiplied and infused into the patient to restore blood function
Stem cells are capable of self-renewal, ensuring a constant pool of cells that can differentiate into various blood cells when needed, without the need for repeated transplants
Genetically modified stem cells can be used in gene therapy to treat genetic diseases by inserting a normal, functional allele into the patient's stem cells and reintroducing them back into the patient
Ethics in bioethics involves principles like respect for persons, maximizing benefits/minimizing harms, and justice, to guide decisions in the face of conflicting choices
Bioethics explores ethical questions related to the life sciences, helping individuals and organizations make decisions about behavior and policy regarding new biomedical knowledge and innovations
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, capable of differentiating into any cell in the entire organism except extraembryonic tissue, while adult stem cells are typically multipotent, giving rise to cells of the tissue in which they are found
Embryonic stem cells have advantages in research due to their ease of isolation, strong self-renewal ability, and pluripotency, potentially allowing treatment of a wider range of diseases
Adult stem cells from the patient's body may not be effective in treating genetic disorders as they also carry the genetic mutations present in the patient
Arguments against using embryonic stem cells include ethical concerns about violating the sanctity of life, treating embryos as spare parts, and the belief that adult stem cell research, with fewer ethical issues, could make greater advances if more resources were allocated to it
Embryonic stem cells can potentially treat a wide range of diseases as they have the potential to grow indefinitely in a laboratory environment and can differentiate into almost all types of bodily tissue
Treatments proposed include treatment for physical trauma, degenerative conditions (e.g. Parkinson’s disease), and genetic diseases (in combination with gene therapy)
Legislation on the period when ES cells can be extracted may help to minimise harm, e.g., UK legislation does not allow use of embryos more than 14 days old
Surplus embryos created via in vitro fertility treatments can be used for creating new stem cell lines for research, helping to maximise benefits while minimising harm