piaget's cognitive development

Cards (4)

  • piaget's theory of cognitive development
    piaget - one of the most influential developmental psychologists of the 20th century
    • developed his theories of cognitive development through studying his own children
    • was the first to realise that children think in a completely different way rather than just knowing less than adults
    • divided childhood into stages characterised by certain cognitive abilities
    • his theory of cognitive development is concerned with the role of motivation and how knowledge develops
  • the role of schema
    schema - a package of beliefs and expectations about a topic based on prior experience and knowledge
    • are useful as they help us make assumptions and take shortcuts when interpreting new information
    • get more complex as we have more experiences
    • born with a simple motor schema for innate survival behaviours
    • me-schema - the knowlegde about oneself that is constructed early in infancy
  • building schema
    piaget - learning is the adaption of schema in response to a new situation so we develop an understanding of it
    • assimilation - adding information to our schema that it didn't previously contain by fitting it into the schema
    • accommodation - adapting or changing schema as a result of dramatically new information
    we do this when we are pushed into a state of disequilibrium - our schema being unable to decode an unfamiliar situation
    • by developing our understanding to adapt to new situations we are able to reach equilibration
  • evaluation
+ howe - students asked to investigate movement down a slope had a very different level of understanding and reached different conclusions
    + greatly influenced how children are taught, particularly in primary school through the use of discovery learning - application to pedagogy
    - lazonder + harmsen - discovery learning is only useful with considerable input from teachers
    - underestimates the role that other people play in learning vs vygotsky
    - individual differences
    - narrow sample of middle class children
    - underemphasises role of language in learning