Exam Technique

Cards (4)

  • Question 1 will always be 'Source A is supportive/crictical of X, How do you know?'. Only spend a couple of minutes on it and use content and provenance!
  • Question 2 will always be 'How useful are sources B and C to a historian studying X" (12 marks). Tell the examiner how you can learn something from it. Use content and provenance for both sources. Think about the purpose and to get L4 say how they work together.
  • Question 3 will always be "Write an account..." (8 marks). Use as much detailed knowledge as possible, use dates, key people and key events. Try to be as chronological as possible!
  • Question 4 will always be "X was the main reason for X. How far do you agree?' (16+4).
    • Use three factos
    • L2 detailed knowledge
    • L3 explanation (this mean that)
    • L4, had it not been for....
    • Conclusion links factors togetger