menstrual cycle

Cards (11)

  • Fertilisation occurs
    Corpus luteum does not degenerate and progesterone levels remain high
  • Corpus luteum
    Develops from the follicle after ovulation and secretes progesterone
  • FSH
    Develops follicle and production of oestrogen by follicle in the follicular phase of the uterus endometrium
  • LH surge
    Triggered by peak levels of oestrogen, triggers ovulation
  • Luteal phase
    Second half of the menstrual cycle when the corpus luteum is present
  • The menstrual cycle takes approximately 28 days
  • Progesterone
    Produced by the corpus luteum, promotes further development and vascularisation of the endometrium preparing it for implantation if fertilisation occurs
  • Follicular phase

    First half of the menstrual cycle where the follicle develops
  • Oestrogen
    A hormone produced by the ovary that stimulates proliferation of the endometrium
  • Lack of progesterone
    Leads to degeneration of corpus luteum with a subsequent drop in progesterone levels which leads to menstruation
  • Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary