Cards (4)

  • P- A limitation of the
    humanistic approach is
    that it is often viewed as
  • E- The scientific process
    always aims to establish
    cause and effect and
    make testable
    predictions. However, by
    emphasising the role of
    free will, the humanistic approach argues human
    behaviour is
    unpredictable. In
    addition, concepts like
    self-actualisation and the
    ideal self are untestable
    and falsifiable.
  • E- This is a limitation as it
    means we cannot verify
    any of the claims made
    by the approach using
    experiments and
    observations. Self-
    actualisation is extremely
    abstract, for example,
    and is likely to vary
    greatly between
  • L- This undermines the
    effectiveness of using a
    humanistic approach to
    explain human behaviour
    in a scientific way.