apes air pollution

Cards (17)

  • greenhouse gases do not count as air pollution as outlined by the clean air act standards because they only cause global warming
  • burning coal releases SO2 and NOx which cause acid rain. Coal also releases CO, pm, and heavy metals. Along with acid rain, NOx also contributes to tropospheric ozone formation and photochemical smog.
  • Primary pollutants are directly emitted from an activity or event, while secondary pollutants form when primary pollutants react with other stuff in the air.
  • The government has reduced air pollutant emissions via the clean air act, pollution credits, and CAFE standards.
  • A vapor recovery nozzle reduces VOCs that are emitted from cars' gasoline vapor
  • Catalytic converters limit NOx and CO emissions by converting them into CO2, N2, O2, and H2O
  • Crushed limestone can be used to neutralize SO2 that is released from power plants
  • Wet and dry scrubbers can be used to absorb and neutralize SOx and NOx
  • Electrostatic precipitators remove PM from the air
  • photochemical smog is formed from vocs, no2, and o3. it occurs most in cities during the summer because voc and no2 emissions are highest in cities (factories, urban traffic) and no2 causes more o3. it causes less sunlight, health problems, and decreased crop yields
  • thermal inversion happens when cool air gets stuck below warm air causing less convection currents and pollutants get trapped closer to the surface
  • the main air pollutant in LEDCs comes from burning biomass in homes with poor ventilation, causing accumulation of CO and PM
  • the main air pollutant in MEDCs comes from burning fossil fuels
  • the main indoor air pollutant in MEDCs comes from chemical producuts
  • acid rain causes pH to be out of the range of tolerance for plants and animals, property damage, and acidification of lakes and streams
  • noise pollution causes psychological stress, disrupts animal communication and migration, and decreases animals chance of survival
  • sources of aquatic noise pollution include sonar, ship engines, and seismic surveying