Experiments, Non- Experiments & Research

Cards (11)

  • Independent Variables
    Manipulated by the experimenter to produce different treatment conditions in an experiment
  • Experiments
    1. Method used by scientists to study causation
    2. Almost single-handedly responsible for the knowledge that is the basis for our modern way of life
  • The presence of confounded variables makes experiments difficult to interpret
  • Within-subjects design

    Same group of subjects tested under multiple treatment conditions
  • Confounded Variables
    Other unintended differences among conditions that can influence the dependent variable
  • Quasi-experimental
    Researchers examine subjects in real-world situations who have self-selected into specific conditions
  • Pure Research
    Motivated primarily by the curiosity of the researcher to find out how things work and establish building blocks or basic concepts
  • Between-subjects design

    Different group of subjects tested under each treatment condition of the experiment
  • Dependent Variables
    Reflect the subject's behavior and what the experiment measures
  • Applied Research
    Motivated by an attempt to directly use the building blocks of basic research to answer specific questions addressing human and animal problems
  • It is impossible to tell how much of the effect on the dependent variable was caused by the independent variable and how much was caused by the confounded variable