Refers to the period following transaction of the spinal cord during which all spinal reflex responses below the level of section are profoundly depressed
Recovery from spinal shock may possibly be due to the development of denervation sensitivity to the mediators chronically released by the remaining spinal excitatory endings
When the toes of the right leg of the frog are dipped in sulfuric acid, the reflex time would be longer than when electrical stimulation is applied concurrently with dipping in sulfuric acid. This is called Reinforcement and is somewhat similar in principle to temporal summation
When a singlestimulus is applied on a nervefiber, the nerve fiber may or may not become excitable depending on whether the stimulus is at threshold value or not
If the stimulus of subthreshold value is applied successively on the same nerve, then the impulse is summated and becomes a propagated action potential. Such type of summation is called Temporal Summation
Strychninesulfate is a centralnervoussystem stimulant specifically acting on the spinal cord by lowering synaptic resistance. This impulse reaches the synapse without encountering any inhibition and the overall effect of which gives rise to convulsions even with subminimal stimulation
If the stimulus is ineffective or of subthresholdvalue, then a propagated action potential is not produced but instead, the stimulus produces only a transient partial depolarization