Gender bias

Cards (13)

  • universality
    any underlying characteristics of human beings that is capable of being applied to all despite differences in experience and upbringing,
  • what threatens the universality of findings in psychology?
    gender bias and cultural bias
  • Gender bias
    psychological research or a theory that offers a view that does not just justifiably represent the experience and behaviour of both men and women
  • Androcentrism
    • behaviour is judged according to the male standard
    • leads to female behaviour being misunderstood
  • Beta bias
    Theories that ignore or minimise differences between sexes
  • Alpha bias
    research and theories which exaggerate and overestimate differences between the sexes
  • issues with gender bias: diagnostic tools
    diagnostic tools such as the DSM-V are androcentric
    • since the 1980's men have being diagnosed with SZ more than women
    • women have closer relationships and therefore get better support
    • leads to women with SZ functioning better than men
    • underdiagnosed women due to their presentation of SZ being different to men and not receiving proper treatment
  • issues with Gender bias: Implications with Gender Research
    sexism in research
    • women are underrepresented in uni departments, particularly in science
    • research is more likely to be conducted by men and this may disadvantage participants who are women
    • the behaviour of female participants may be affected by investigator bias (expectations and stereotypes)
    • institutional constructs and methods of psychology potentially breed gender bias
  • issues with gender bias: less reporting research on gender bias
    research challenging gender bias is less likely to be published
    • research into genre bias is funded less and published in less prestigious journals
    • this means that fewer scholars are aware of its potential
    • suggests that gender bias is not taken seriously
  • what are the three things we can do to reduce gender bias:
    • reflexive practice
    • feminist psychology
    • qualitative data
  • reducing gender bias: reflexive practices
    recognise the effect their values and assumptions have on their work. creates gender awareness of the role of personal basis in shaping research in the future
  • reducing Gender bias: feminist psychology
    women studied in real-life context, participated rather than being objects of study, diversity within women also addressed
  • reducing gender bias: qualitative data 

    allows for unexpected findings because questions are not fixed in advance. the data produced may not support existing views