Glycolysis, Beta Oxidation, Krebs Cycle

Cards (33)

  • What does NAD+ do when oxidising a carbohydrate?
    Form a double bond between the carbon and oxygen
  • What does FAD do when oxidising a carbon chain?
    Form a double bond between carbons
  • Why is it called beta oxidation?
    All chemical rearrangements occur on the beta (second) carbon
  • The alpha carbon of a fatty acid is attached to the functional group
  • How are FAs transported in the blood?
    Loose association with albumin
  • How do FAs enter the cytoplasm?
    Passive diffusion
  • Why are FAs transported by albumin in the blood?

    To stop them from acting like soap
  • What negates the hydrophobicity of FAs in the cytoplasm?
    FA binding protein
  • What traps the FA in the cytoplasm?

    Esterification to CoA
  • What does the esterification of FAs to CoA require?
    ATP dephosphorylation to AMP and fatty acyl CoA synthetase
  • How is FA-CoA transported into the mitochondria?
    Carnitine replaces the CoA
  • How is the CoA of FA-CoA displaced by carnitine?
    Carnitine acyltransferase
  • Once in the mitochondria, carnitine acyl-transferase 2 swaps the carnitine back to CoA
  • FAD performs the first H/e- stripping event of beta oxidation
  • In the first H/e- stripping event of beta oxidation:
    1. Reduction of FAD forms a carbon double bond
    2. The bond is hydrated by addition of water to form an -OH group
  • NAD+ performs the second H/e- stripping event of beta oxidation
  • In the second H/e- stripping event of beta oxidation:
    1. Reduction of NAD+ causes double bond formation between carbon and oxygen
    2. CoA breaks two carbons off the molecule to form acetyl CoA
  • Each round of beta oxidation gives:
    • 1 acetyl CoA
    • 1 NADH
    • 1 FADH2
  • Where does glycolysis occur?
    In the cytoplasm of all tissues
  • Does glycolysis require oxygen?
  • GLUT-1: present on all cells all the time
  • GLUT-4: present on insulin sensitive tissues (muscle and adipose)
  • GLUT-2: present on blood glucose regulating tissues all the time (liver and pancreas)
  • Early glycolysis = investment phase
  • Early glycolysis
    1. Phosphate added to glucose to trap within cell
    2. Energy is invested to produce a symmetrical sugar with two phosphates
    3. Sugar splits into two 3-carbon sugar phosphate
  • Late glycolysis = return phase
  • late glycolysis
    1. A phosphate is added to the 3-carbon sugar phosphate and oxidised with NAD
    2. Substrate level phosphorylation
    3. Rearrangement to form two pyruvate molecules
  • Pyruvate from glycolysis can be:
    1. Oxidised by NAD+ into acetyl CoA to enter the Kreb's Cycle
    2. Reduced by NADH into lactate to be recycled to glucose
  • What is the substrate of the Kreb's cycle?
    acetyl CoA
  • Where does the Kreb's Cycle occur?
    Entirely in the mitochondria
  • What is the carrier molecule for the Kreb's Cycle?
  • When Acetyl-CoA joins with oxaloacetate, it becomes citrate (6C)
  • NAD and FAD oxidise in the Kreb's cycle to reproduce the carrier molecule