Redressing: to fix an undesirable of unfair situation
Nepotism: the practice among those with power of influence of favoring relatives, friends, especially giving them jobs
Retrenchment: When a business cuts down the number of its employees to reduce costs
Go-Slow: a situation when workers go to work but deliberately work at a slowerpace
Trade Union: An association that represents and protects the interest of its workers
Strike: a situation whereby workers refuse to work until their complaints/ demands are addressed by their employers.
Collective bargaining: The process of negotiation between trade unions and management on behalf of all employees
Lockout: Whereby an employer prevents his workers from entering the workplace due to industrial disputes
Stakeholders: party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the business
Shareholder: A person who owns shares in a company
Customer: Anyone who buys goods or services from a business
Regulators: a person or body that supervises a particular industry or business activity
Strategic Alliances: An arrangement between twocompanies to undertake a mutuallybeneficial project
Joint Venture: Two businesses join together to form one new business, with both contributing capital and resources.
Merger: When two separate organisations combine into one larger organisation
Franchise: The right granted by a franchisor to another (franchisee) to market their products/services under certain conditions
Open market: A market where there is nocontrol over who may provide goods and services or over the prices that can be charged
Demographics: Statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it. Often incudes age, gender, income groups and occupation.
Psychographics: The classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations and other psychological criteria.
Globalisation: Greater trade and collaboration between businesses or people in different countries which is enabled by technological advances and communication.
Physical environment: This is an environment that is comprising of the ecological elements such as natural disasters, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, waste products or natural resources
Institutional environment: These are private-publicpartnerships which are formed between government and private enterprise
Insurance: an arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a specified premium.
Adapt to the Challenges of the Business Environments
Information Management
Strategic Responses
Mergers, Takeovers, Acquisitions, Alliances
Organisational Design and Flexibility
Influence of environment and social responsibilty
Information Management
Implement effective information management system
Information found/ recorded/ easily retrieved, effectively used
IT solutions satisfy customer needs
benefit from increase in market share and profitability
Strategic Responses
How businesses respond to challenges by putting in proper plans
Analyse information, identity stakeholders
Aware of new competitors
Remain sustainable
Identity, minimize, eliminate challenges
Two companies join together -agreement- form new business
share resources> more growth and sustainability
If it was a Public Company> shareholders swap shares
One business takes control of another> majority ownership of the shares
Sometimes against the others will
Business buys another at an agreed price
Acquired business continues as an subsidiary
in companies not listed on the JSE
JSE: Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Agreement between business with common vision> work together for benefit
Interest, nature, goals
more competitive, respond better to challenges
Remain separate businesses, co-operate
Organisational Design an Flexibility
how business is structured and communicates its culture> align with objectives