Lecture 11

Cards (8)

  • Populations
    A collection of individuals of a single species within a specific area over a specific point in time
  • Populations are DYNAMIC (ie. change over time) and can grow rapidly under ideal conditions.
  • Two types of Growth:
    1. Exponential growth
    2. Logistic Growth
  • Exponential Growth
    Populations grow at a constant rate, with no limiting factors
  • Logistic Growth
    A population grows at a decreasing rate as it approaches its carrying capacity.
  • Carrying Capacity
    • The maximum population possible depends on the limited resources.
    • Is a form of density dependence.
    • Can limit population growth
  • Density Dependence

    • Population dynamics, which are influenced by populations density or size.
    • Influenced by biotic factors
  • Density Independent factors
    • Factors that impact a population regardless of density or size
    • Can be abiotic factors or random events
    • Can have positive or negative results