connection between external and internal environment
highly perfused (fed by pulmonary arteriole)
Mechanics of ventilation:
diaphragm goes down; contracts
lungs expand, reducing pressure
pressure differential causes air to flow in
sternum and ribs swing down; diaphragm goes up
lungs compress, increasing pressure
pressure differential causes air to go out
Pressure changes:
positive pressure = air out
negative pressure = air in
intrapleural pressure = less than intrapulmonary pressure to allow lungs to stay popped open
Flow and pressure vs volume:
elastic recoil on expiration
volume and flow increase with exercise, but at max exercise, we are not encroaching on max capacity
lungs are well-suited to take in air and increase ventilation to demands of exercise
must generate greater pressures to increase volume and flow as exercise increases relative to max expiratory and inspiratory pressures we can create
Ventilation (VE):
movement of air in and out of lungs
minute ventilation = total volume of expired gas per minute
VE = RR x VT
normal resting ventilation = 6 L/min
VE does what with metabolic demand?
VE rises with metabolic demand as exercise intensity increases
VE and incremental exercise:
as we start exercising, we first alter our ventilation by increasing VT
as intensity increases, we rely on RR rather than VT
VA (alveolar ventilation):
= volume of gas per minute that participates in gas exchange; represents large fraction of VE
dead space ventilation (VD) = fraction of VE that does not participate in gas exchange; respiratory passages and non-perfused alveoli
increase VD = increase VE to maintain VA
VA = VE - VD
VA = RR (VT - VD)
Distribution of VT:
physiological dead space = alveoli that receive air but are not perfused
anatomical dead space = air just doesn’t get to these alveoli
Effects of RR and VT on VE and VA:
less air/breath is comprised of VD because our physiological dead space changes
increase exercise = change in cardiac output = increase perfusion)
VA is always less than VE
VD still contributes, but not as much once intensity increases
Changes in breathing:
we operate with out lungs half full
as intensity increases, volume and respiratory frequency increase
reduce where volumes are at end of expiration so we can generate bigger inspiration
Changes in breathing:
with moderate to heavy exercise…
increased VE achieved by increased VT and RR
increase VT by encroaching on inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes
reduced end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) is maintain at max exercise in fit people (lungs with higher volume have hard time inspiring; therefore reduce EELV so we can increase VT)
Gas exchange:
why do we breathe = to take up O2 and remove CO2
where does exchange occur = alveolar-pulmonary capillary interface
how does it occur = pulmonary diffusion
how do we know gases exchange properly = by partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in arterial blood (blood leaving heart)
what determines proper gas exchange = VA / Q matching and diffusion capacity
Concepts of diffusion:
Dalton’s Law of partial pressure:
individual gases in a mixture exert pressure proportional to their abundance
more molecules in given space = greater partial pressure
sum of partial pressures = total pressure
Concepts of diffusion:
Henry’s Law of diffusion between gases and liquids:
amount of gas dissolved depends on: 1) pressure differential between gas above fluid and in fluid; 2) solubility of gas in fluid
without gradient, gases are in equilibrium = no diffusion
Gas concentration and pressures:
concentration = amount of gas in given volume; determined by gas partial pressure and solubility
pressure = force exerted by gas against surfaces
partial pressure = percentage concentration (F) x total pressure of gas mixture (P)
Gas concentration and pressure:
O2 = 14.5
CO2 = 5.5
partial pressure:
O2 = 103 mmHg
CO2 = 39 mmHg
Alveolar-capillary interface:
site of pulmonary diffusion = alveolar wall + capillary wall + basement membrane