Relatively short sequences of DNA which include the site where transcription is initiated and the region approximately 35 bp upstream or downstream from the initiation site
Class-II promoters have 4 components: Upstream element(s), TATA Box (at approx. –25), Initiation region (includes the first transcribed nt, +1), Downstream element
Biological roles of transcription factors include basal transcription regulation, development, response to intercellular signals, response to environment, and cell cycle control
Eukaryotic transcription factors have a modular structure with DNA-binding domains, transcription-activating domains, and can have more than one of each type of module
3 possible models: Factor binding induces supercoiling of the promoter DNA, sliding of the complex to the promoter, looping out of DNA between enhancer and promoter
Extreme trans-acting effectors of transcription: TAL effectors are from plant pathogenic bacteria Xanthomonas, secreted by bacteria when they infect, bind with plant promoters to express genes beneficial for the bacteria
Basic unit of chromatin is the nucleosome: 4 different histones in the core (H2a, H2b, H3, H4 x 2 = octamer), 146 bp of DNA wrapped around core, histone H1 on outside
Histone acetylation causes localized unpacking of nucleosomes, enhancing factor binding to DNA; de-acetylated histones bind DNA more strongly, nucleosomes condense into a solenoid inhibiting factor binding to DNA targets