defense in plants

Cards (6)

  • Physical Defense
    • Dermal covering secretes waxy substance (cutin/cuticle) for water conservation and prevention of attacks
    • Trichomes, barks, spines, and thorns are physical defense structures
  • Bacteria and fungi that are beneficial
    • Rhizobium (nitrogen-fixing bacterium)
    • Azospirillium (provide plant growth hormones like gibberellic acid)
  • Systematic response to invaders
    Initiates the production of proteinase inhibitor, reminiscent of the immune system
  • Production of toxins
    Kill their enemies
  • Chemical Defense
    • Secondary metabolites help drive away predators (herbivores)
    • Alkaloids found in plants such as Caffeine, cocaine, nicotine, and morphine
    • Chemical toxins are released to the ground to prevent seed germination
    • Allelopathy helps drive away neighboring trees and results in spacing to minimize shading and overcrowding among plants
    • Cyanides contain cyanogenic glycosides that break down into manihotoxin in cassava
    • Hemlock plant contains neurotoxins that can paralyze and kill a person
    • Castor beans produce a very potent toxin called ricin
  • Production and storage of toxins occur in vacuoles