Naturally-occurringaggregate of two or moreminerals, may or may not contain mineraloids,natural glass, organicmatter, and pre-existingrocks or sediment
Molten or partially molten rock composed of varying amounts of liquid (silicates, sometimes carbonate,sulfides, or oxides and ions of Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg), solids (mineral or rockfragments), and dissolvedgas or volatiles (H2O, CO2, SO2)
As magma cools, certainmineralscrystallizefirst at relatively high temperature, in successively lower temperature, other minerals begins to crystallize
Hot (600-1200°C) partially molten rock beneath the surface of the earth, composed of liquid silicates, solid minerals/rock fragments, and dissolved gases
Only certain parts of the rock will melt. Rocks do not melt at a single temperature, but instead melt over a range of temperatures depending on their mineral composition