This age of globalization and information technology has entirely changed the face of governments, businesses, and organizations. People are not confined to the geographical walls of their own nations anymore, but have become part of an international network.
Communication being the backbone of inter- and intra- organizational coordination, it is essential for people to comprehend the linguistic and cultural differences among organizations to get the desired results at the workplace.
We are no longer restricted to one state or country during the course of our profession, relations, etc. As such, we often have to deal with people who speak different languages.
Different values and attitudes of individuals towards time management, decision-making, achievement, work, change, etc, are also important parts of culture
These attributes affect communication between people with differing values to a great extent. It is important for people of different cultures to respect and appreciate each other's values to be able to communicate effectively.
The political system of a nation consists of national intents, power, ideologies, political risks, sovereignty, law of the country in which the organization works, rules and regulations imposed by the government, etc.
There are different cultural groups in the world with different patterns of behaviour, religions, languages, politics, values and norms, etc. Thus, the same action is interpreted differently in different nations.
However, when we cross cultural boundaries, we carry our own culture with us. We must understand that our own cultural context cannot be used to judge the standards of another.
Rely heavily on nonverbal communication, using elements such as the closeness of their relationships, strict social hierarchies and deep cultural knowledge to convey meaning
Depend largely on words themselves. Communication tends to be more direct, relationships tend to begin and end quickly, and hierarchies are more relaxed
While "high" and "low" context are examples of opposing cultures, it is also true that many cultures fall in between these two extremes called "multi-active," these cultures might include those of Spain, Italy or Latin America.
Firm handshake is considered appropriate to greet a stranger or another business professional in America
Kissing someone you greet on both cheeks is common in France
Touching children on the head is fine in North America but highly inappropriate in Asia as the head is considered a sacred part of the body (Thailand - disrespect)
Standing with hands on the hips may suggest power or pride in America, but anger or a challenge in Argentina
Sitting with the foot resting on the opposite knee is strongly discouraged in many Arab countries as it is considered dirty to show the bottom of the shoe
Not only will their efforts decrease the likelihood of misunderstandings, they will improve their abilities to negotiate, solve problems effectively, create good working relationships and become better global citizens.