Prehistoric art (8000 BC - 5000 BC) includes paintings, sculpture, and drawings with no written records and no verbal accounts
3 PHASES of Prehistoric art
"paleo" means old and "lithic" stone, started 30000 BC - 10000 BC
started 15000 BC - 10000 BC
"Neo" means new and "lithic" stone, started 10000 BC - 4000 BC
Bronze Age
2900 BC - 1500 BC
Iron Age
750 BC-450 AD
Characteristics of Prehistoric art
Their subject is their daily lives
Images of animals dominate their drawings and paintings
Images of humans are just like stick figures
Paintings were realistically represented
Human figures have little details
Egyptian art
Land of pharaoh and desert land, communities were made up of hunters, soldiers, slaves, priests, and scribes
Scholars who were able to read and write
Highest rank in the Egyptian period, believed to be half man and half god
Characteristics of Egyptian art
They have a lot of pyramids
Pyramids were used as tombs for pharaohs
They mummified the dead
Tombs were put with things believed to be used after life
First pyramid was built 2600 BC located at Giza with a guardian called the Great Sphinx
They used hieroglyphics - the early form of writing
They used different colors: blue and green for the Nile river, yellow for their god, red for power and vitality
3 Purposes of Egyptian art
Ceremonial - used for religious purposes
Narrative - they used hieroglyphics to narrate
Functional - sacrophagus: coffin or vase for inhumation burials
Ancient Roman art (200 BCE - 400 ACE) would show off and celebrate the power of their emperor, was less religious and less idealized than Greek art, and they had a lot of Roman coins that depicted the faces of their emperors
3 Periods of Ancient Greek art
Arcaic Period (700 - 400 BC)
Classical Period (480 - 323 BC) - also known as the Golden Age of Greece
Hellenistic Period (323 - 30 BCE)
Gothic art is a derogatory word used during the Renaissance period to describe the Middle Ages, and is characterized as being related to Christianity and religion
There are 2.2 Billion Catholics all over the world
Characteristics of Renaissance art
They gave emphasis to the human figure from the face to the waist to the whole body
Paintings, drawings, and sculptures featured naked human figures
Baroque period
Barioco which means irregularly shaped pearl, primarily talks about human emotions
Characteristics of Fauvism
They used bold vibrant colors
They used different brush stroke techniques
Artists: Henri Matisse (Father of Fauvism), Andre Derain
Characteristics of Cubism
They wanted to show how things really look like (what you see is what you get)
Artists: Pablo Picasso, Georges Draque
Characteristics of Futurism
Aim to capture the modern world in art
Artists: Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini
Characteristics of Romanticism
Based on imagination and experience
Artists: William Blake, Francisco Goya
Characteristics of Realism
They used visible brush strokes and unblended color
Artists: Jean Francois Millet, Gustave Courbet
Characteristics of Impressionism
They did not mix all their palette and they used large open brush strokes