Cards (31)

  • Prehistoric art (8000 BC - 5000 BC) includes paintings, sculpture, and drawings with no written records and no verbal accounts
  • 3 PHASES of Prehistoric art
    • IRON AGE
  • Paleolithic
    "paleo" means old and "lithic" stone, started 30000 BC - 10000 BC
  • Mesolithic
    started 15000 BC - 10000 BC
  • Neolithic
    "Neo" means new and "lithic" stone, started 10000 BC - 4000 BC
  • Bronze Age
    2900 BC - 1500 BC
  • Iron Age
    750 BC-450 AD
  • Characteristics of Prehistoric art

    • Their subject is their daily lives
    • Images of animals dominate their drawings and paintings
    • Images of humans are just like stick figures
    • Paintings were realistically represented
    • Human figures have little details
  • Egyptian art
    Land of pharaoh and desert land, communities were made up of hunters, soldiers, slaves, priests, and scribes
  • Scribes
    Scholars who were able to read and write
  • Pharaoh
    Highest rank in the Egyptian period, believed to be half man and half god
  • Characteristics of Egyptian art
    • They have a lot of pyramids
    • Pyramids were used as tombs for pharaohs
    • They mummified the dead
    • Tombs were put with things believed to be used after life
    • First pyramid was built 2600 BC located at Giza with a guardian called the Great Sphinx
    • They used hieroglyphics - the early form of writing
    • They used different colors: blue and green for the Nile river, yellow for their god, red for power and vitality
  • 3 Purposes of Egyptian art
    • Ceremonial - used for religious purposes
    • Narrative - they used hieroglyphics to narrate
    • Functional - sacrophagus: coffin or vase for inhumation burials
  • Ancient Roman art (200 BCE - 400 ACE) would show off and celebrate the power of their emperor, was less religious and less idealized than Greek art, and they had a lot of Roman coins that depicted the faces of their emperors
  • 3 Periods of Ancient Greek art
    • Arcaic Period (700 - 400 BC)
    • Classical Period (480 - 323 BC) - also known as the Golden Age of Greece
    • Hellenistic Period (323 - 30 BCE)
  • Gothic art is a derogatory word used during the Renaissance period to describe the Middle Ages, and is characterized as being related to Christianity and religion
  • There are 2.2 Billion Catholics all over the world
  • Characteristics of Renaissance art
    • They gave emphasis to the human figure from the face to the waist to the whole body
    • Paintings, drawings, and sculptures featured naked human figures
  • Baroque period
    Barioco which means irregularly shaped pearl, primarily talks about human emotions
  • Characteristics of Fauvism
    • They used bold vibrant colors
    • They used different brush stroke techniques
  • Fauvism
    Artists: Henri Matisse (Father of Fauvism), Andre Derain
  • Characteristics of Cubism
    • They wanted to show how things really look like (what you see is what you get)
  • Cubism
    Artists: Pablo Picasso, Georges Draque
  • Characteristics of Futurism
    • Aim to capture the modern world in art
  • Futurism
    Artists: Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini
  • Characteristics of Romanticism
    • Based on imagination and experience
  • Romanticism
    Artists: William Blake, Francisco Goya
  • Characteristics of Realism
    • They used visible brush strokes and unblended color
  • Realism
    Artists: Jean Francois Millet, Gustave Courbet
  • Characteristics of Impressionism
    • They did not mix all their palette and they used large open brush strokes
  • Impressionism
    Artists: Claude Monet, Pierre Aguste