marcus garvey

Cards (11)

  • Marcus Garvey lived
    1887 to 1940
  • Marcus Garvey
    Jamaican politician, writer and businessman, nationalist thinker, founder of black nationalism
  • In 1937, Marcus Garvey published a book called "Message to the People"
  • Marcus Garvey set up a journal referred to as "Negro World"
  • Black pride
    The idea that African people should be proud of their race and see beauty in their own kind
  • Pan-Africanism
    The idea that African people across the world will be one people and to progress they need to put aside their cultural and ethnic differences
  • Garveyism
    The idea of Africa throwing off colonialism and creating a new free nation in Africa and overcoming what he saw as white propaganda that had divided the African people in the past
  • Marcus Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association
  • Marcus Garvey had an interest in the Liberia project and in promoting rights in the USA
  • Marcus Garvey created businesses to help create economic independence for the black population
  • Marcus Garvey inspired Rastafarians and Malcolm X