Plans that are designed to help an organization reach a specified goal
Strategic Planning
Identifying a company's internal and external characteristics which will contribute to the attainment of its goal
Pointing to a specific direction
Formulating different policies on how best to achieve it
Strategic planning has been utilized extensively for developing tangible products rather than used in service-related industries like hospitality and tourism
Help a company identify its competitors
Help a company satisfy the needs and wants of its guests
Elements of Strategic Planning
Identification of Long-Term Goals and Objectives
Adoption of Different Courses of Action
Allotment of Resources
Porter's Generic Strategies
Cost-Leadership Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
Focus Strategy
Cost-Leadership Strategy
Focuses on reducing costs and charging lower prices
Cost-Leadership Strategy
An economy-level hotel that charges low rates but has only basic amenities for a standard room
Differentiation Strategy
Focuses on making the company's service being attractive and unique in comparison to those of its competitors
Differentiation Strategy
A hotel utilizing green technology in its operations
Focus Strategy
Concentrates on developing services for a niche market
Types of Focus Strategy
Cost focus - refers to cost leadership in a narrow or focused market
Differentiation focus - refers to differentiation in a narrow or focused market
Focus Strategy
Study hubs in the university belts
A coffee shop that adapted the drive-through business model
Internal Analysis
Examines a company's internal components, both tangible and intangible, such as resources, assets and processes
Helps the company decision-makers accurately identify areas for growth or revision to form a practical business strategy or business plan
External Analysis
Determines a company's position in the external environment
Showcases its opportunities and threats through different tools such as the PESTEL Analysis
Factors to Consider in Strategizing the Future of Hospitality and Tourism
Economic and Natural Forces
Exists in social exchanges between competitors; each competitor knows about each other but does not interact with them
When there are frequent exchanges between the players, which comprise business, information, and social exchange; Formal agreements exist if the competitors have formed strategic alliances
A relationship that is based on an action-reaction pattern
Cooperation between competing players; This relationship includes economic and other forms of exchange
Types of Competitors
Other Stakeholders and Relevant Groups
Resource Suppliers
Capital Suppliers
Labor Supply
Without a stable labor supply, the tourism and hospitality operations will be significantly affected as they drive the operation itself
A disruption in the operation of the resource supplier will ultimately affect the company
Because capital available is crucial, a company's decision-making should be exact not to dampen the entire operations
A company cannot continue its operation without the raw materials, equipment and other supplies
A company may need to spend more time forecasting the availability of capital as it is a crucial resource
Group activity regarding a company's strategy for service quality