Types Of LTM

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  • •Tulving (1985) was one of the first to realise that the MSM’s view of LTM was too simplistic and inflexible. He proposed that there are three LTM stores, containing different types of information
  • Types Of Info Stores
    –Episodic memory–Semantic memory–Procedural memory
  • Episodic Memory
    •This refers to our ability to recall personal life events (episodes).•It includes memories of when the events occurred, and of the people, objects, places and behaviours involved e.g. your most recent visit to the dentist, the last gig you went to etc.
  • Episodic Memory
    •These are time-stamped (you remember when they happened). They are complex as a memory of a single episode will include several elements
  • Semantic Memory
    •This long-term memory store contains our knowledge of the world.•This includes facts and our knowledge of what words and concepts mean.
  • Semantic Memory
    So it would include knowledge of things such as applying to university, the taste of an orange and the meaning of words. These memories are not time-stamped
  • Procedural Memory
    •This long-term memory store is for our knowledge of how to do things.It is our memory for learned actions or skills.
  • Procedural Memory
    We can recall them without conscious awareness or a great deal of effort.We find it hard to explain these to someone else
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