Technical term for the story that is created in a product
Traditional beginning, middle and end
Non-Linear Narratives
Flashbacks and flash-forwards does not follow traditional chronological order.
French term for category, important when defining a media product
Name of magazine
Helps define the product further
Genres blended together e.g. Rom-Coms
SteveNealsGenreTheory-Repetition and variation
Simple generic conventions
The difference in each product
Audiences can be defined by using two categories:
Refers to the physicalcharacteristics of a person e.g. Gender, ethnicity
People grading is a method used to categoriseaudiences by social class. Based on the following scale, upper middle class people are grade A
People Grading
A- upper middle class. Higher managerial, administrative or professional job employment
B- Middle class. Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional job employment
People Grading 2:
C1- Lower middle class. Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial administrative or professional job employment
C2- Skilled working class. Skilled manual workers
People grading 3
D- Working class. Unskilled manual workers
E- Casual/Lowest Grade Workers. Pensioners and others who depend on the welfare state for their income.
Refers to people’s interests or values, things which are harder to define
Mainstreamers (peoplewhofollowtrends)
Aspires ( thosewhoaimtoimprovethemselves )
Audience segmentation is useful for producers as it can ensure the product is constructed to meet the target audience's needs.
Refers to data which is rich in detail and is unable to be put in to numbers
Quantitative Data
Refers to data which can be put into numbers
Active Audience
Refers to an audience that is involved in creating meaning of the product and so does not necessarily absorb the dominant messages being promoted by the media products
Passive Audience
The idea that the audience is heavilyinfluenced by the media and so will not question the messages it is promoting. Instead a passive audience will adopt these views.
Where the audience agrees with and adopts the message encoded in the product
Where the audience agrees with elements of the product, however doesn’t fully adopt the messages encoded in the product
Oppositional Reading
Where the audience completely rejects the message encoded in the media product
Audiences can be positions by media products. This means the product attempts to encourage the audience to respond in a certain way
The process of constructing representations.
As stereotypes have been used over and over again in media products, they can be easily identifiable for the audience.
Dominant Ideology
Widely held, mainstream views and values which are often stereotypical
Stereotypes can restrict change within society if they are repeatedly used.