Serves as aid to eliminate innocent subjects, recognizes false complaints, provides new key to an investigation all investigative techniques have been exhausted, narrow the focus of inquiry and helps to speed up the process of investigation
A polygraph test conducted when there are two persons who assert contradictory statement. Both persons simultaneously undergo polygraph exam in separate rooms with different examiners.
The hormonal stimulator of the sympathetic nervous system; constrict peripheral blood flow, raise blood pressure, increase cardiac activity, promote metabolic activity through the release of glucose, and inhibit digestive processes.
A hormone secreted by the adrenal gland, works alongside epinephrine/adrenaline to give the body sudden energy in times of stress, known as the "fight or flight" response
Verbal signs of Deception-The determination of deception through the words uttered by the subject is somehow difficult because people can easily manipulate or control their verbal expressions
people can easy manipulate their verbal expression
Repeating Questions
As lies are formulated, the person needs time to think. Instead of giving a straight answer, they usually repeat the question
Strong Denial
Defensive behavior, denial and trying to make the other person feel guilty might also used as the liars tries to create empathy. One might hear things like, "I would never lie" as the person tries to convince the interviewer that he is innocent
Changing the Subject or Story
A swift subject change is another of the verbal sign of lying
Unwillingness to Cooperate
Liars do not want to be found out and will be significantly more uncooperative than someone who is telling the truth.
Non-verbal Signs of Deception
Body movements or gestures of persons while asked a series of questions
A lying person tends to cover his mouth with several fingers when lying. The brain causes this and the person does this subconsciously to hide the words just being said.