Atypical gender development

    Cards (19)

    • What is a typical gender
      • Any gender identity that deviate from a typical development of male and female genders = gender, dysphoria
    • what is gender dysphoria?
      • It’s the feeling of distress experienced when a person assigned gender does not match the gender which they feel they belong
      • They feel conflicted between their psychological gender identity, as it doesn’t match their physiological gender identity as they/desire to live as the opposite sex
      • It’s an example of atypical genders development that is described as a gender identity disorder
    • what are the biological explanations for gender dysphoria?
      • Genetic explanations
      • Hormonal explanations
      • Brain differences
    • what are the genetic explanations for gender dysphoria?
      • Inherit gene variants are used to explain gender, dysphoria
      Coolidge et al:
      • assess 157, twin pairs (97 MZ + 61 DZ) for evidence of GD using clinical diagnosis criteria in the DSM-4
      • Prevalence of GID was estimated to be 2.3%, with 62% of these cases caused by genetic variance
      • This suggest a strong hereditable components of GID
      Heylens et al:
      • Simile, he compared 23 MZ, twins, with 21 DZ twins, where one of each pair was diagnosed with GID
    • what is the brain sex theory?
      • Suggested that GID was caused by specific brain structures that are incompatible with a persons, biological sex
      • Attention been brought to areas of a brain that a dimorphic- Take a different form in males and females (size)
      • Sexually dimorphic nucleus in the hypothalamus was discovered using Post Mortem examinations- Different sized for men + women - particularly bigger in region called bed nucleus of the stria terminals = BSTc
      • Male region is 2.5x larger than females, contains 2X as many neurones + affected by testosterone levels
    • Brain sex theory:
      • Zhou et al
      • Studied the bed nucleus of stria terminals BSTc
      • Supposed to be developed at five years + 40% bigger in miles
      • In post studies of six male to female, transgender individuals the BSTc was smaller than a typical female brain
    • what are hormonal explanations for gender identity disorder?
      • I just saw that in the mothers hormonal system, maternal stress, medication or illness during pregnancy may interfere with hormonal levels
      • This may expose a female fetus to an excessive testosterone or a male fetus to a death of testosterone, which results in babies with some physical features of the opposite sex
    • explanations for brain, differences and gender identity disorder
      • The sexually dimorphous region in hypothalamus is 2.5 times larger males than females
      • Post Mortems conducted on the brains of male or female transgender individuals have found the region to the smaller and more typical of female brain
    • Social-psychological explanations for gender dysphoria
      • social psychological explanations of GI idea based on Freudian theory and insights from cognitive psychology
      • Social explanations of gender dysphoria, explain as a result of lamb behaviour when children gaining positive and philosopher from parents for exhibiting behaviour, usually associated with the opposite sex
      • Gender dysphoria is explains result of socialisation-children socialised to their usual gender roles, so they may be socialised into opposite gender roles
    • what is the psychoanalytic theory of gender identity disorder
      Oversy + Person
      • Argued that GID in miles is caused by the child experiencing extreme separation anxiety before gender identity is being established
      • Child fantasises of a symbiotic fusion with his mother to relieve the anxiety, and the danger of separation is removed
      • Consequence of this is that the child becomes the mother and not adopting a female gender identity
    • what is the cognitive explanation for gender identity disorder?
      Liben + Bigler
      • Propose an extension of gender, schema theory that emphasises individual differences and gender identity
      • suggested dual pathway theory
      • First pathway, acknowledges development of Gender schemes- then direct gender, appropriate attitudes + behaviours as part of normal development
      • Second personal pathway - the child's gender attitudes are affected by their activity
      • Individuals, personal interest may become more dominant than gender identity- these influence gender schema
    • strength: research report, the role of genetics in GID
      • Investigators, 112 miles to female transgenders + found genetic variations were androgen receptors were insensitive or unresponsive in males with GID
      • Genetic abnormality evidence in males or female, transgender than a non-transgender male
      • This suppose the role of genetics in GID as it suppose the biological issue
    • weakness: contradictory evidence for BSTc
      • It’s claimed that BSTc formed fully at five years, so hormonal treatment for transgender to have gender. Reassignment surgery shouldn’t affect. BSTc
      Hulshoff pol et al:
      • Challenge the assumption and found that transgender hormones therapy did affect the size of the BSTc (Increased/ decreased due to hormones)
      • Differences in BSTc maybe due to hormone therapy rather than the cause of GID
    • Wekanedd contradictory evidence for BSTc
      • Claims, parental, hormonal influences caused/effect, size, abnormalities of BSTc And on triggered until adult hood
      • How many influences occur by structural changes in the brain or result of these don’t occur until much later
      • Therefore, dimorphic brain differences may not be present in early childhood
      • suggests brain differences and not causes of atypical genders development and may be a result of having a condition
      • Therefore, can conclude cause = effect relationships
    • strength, biological theories of GID have positive implications
      • Hormone treatments and surgery have helped people with GID transitions to have the physical identity that match their psychological identity
      • Treatment provides opportunities to receive help and support and live with a gender identity. They happy with.
    • weakness: over, simplifies a complex concept and not a broad view
      • Biological explanations, reduced complex conditions and behaviour to simple genetic and hormonal levels
      • Issues that other contributory factors occurring at a psychological or social level may be obscured or ignored
      • An interaction is combination of several different levels of explanation may be especially relevant in the cases of GID, a complex condition that is unlikely to be explained by a single influence
      • a more holistic approach to GID would acknowledge an individuals difference
    • weakness: twin studies are inconclusive
      • Evidence suggest GID may be hereditary but twin studies don’t yield high concordance rates (39% for MZ twins in Heylans study)
      • It’s very difficult to separate the influence of nature + nurture with these investigations
      • Twins may influence each other, and the environmental conditions they are exposed to are likely to be very similar
      • Due to factory care sample sizes in twins to these tend to be extremely small- limiting the extent to which effective generalisations can be made
    • weakness: socially, sensitive
      • Viewing GID as a biological condition and due to biological abnormalities it is therefore socially sensitive
      • This promotes the idea that GID is a problem, which needs medical intervention- therefore this may lead to successful pressure or prejudice to those with GID
    • how can a typical gender development, link to issues and debates
      • Both biological and social psychological explanations can be seen as reductionist
      • The solely reliant, biological social psychological causes for gender identity, disorder, and over, simplify the complexity of gender
      • Determinist similarly with social psychological explanations, the child could’ve been secretly behaving as they experienced gender long before doing a publicly and gaining reinforcement for that behaviour
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