gender development is a mismatch between a persons biological sex and the gender they feel they are
the bed nucleus of the striaterminals (BST) is involved in emotionalresponses and malesexualbehaviour in rats. This area is larger in men than women and is female-sized in transgenderfemales. People with genderdysphoria have a BST which is the size of the sex they identify with, not the size of their biologicalsex. This fits with people who are transgender who feel, from earlychildhood that they were born the wrongsex
Researchers studied 157twinpairs and suggest that 62% of these cases could be accounted for by geneticvariance. Other researchers found that 39% of their sample of monozygotic twins wereconcordant for genderdysphoria but non of the dizygotictwins were
gender identity is ‘invented’ by societies,notbiological.Gender dysphoria arises because people have to select a gender. Therefore, dysphoria is not pathological but due to socialfactors. For example, McClintok studied biologicalmales in NewGuineaborn with femalegenitals due to geneticcondition. At puberty,genitalschange and accepted as females than males
male gender dysphoria in terms of separation anxiety:
Researchers suggest genderdysphoria in biologicalmales is caused by a child which experiencedextremeseparationanxiety before genderidentity has been established. The boy fantasises about a symbioticfusion with his mother to relieve his anxiety and remove his fear ofseparation. As a result the boys‘becomes’ the mother and thus adopts a femalegenderidentity
One limitation is that brainsex theory assumptions have been challenged. Researchers scannedtransgenderindividualsbrains during hormonetreatment and found the size of BSTchangedsignificantly. Other researchers examined the BSTpost-mortem and aftertransgenderindividuals had receivedhormones during genderreassignmenttreatment. This suggests that differences in the BST may have been an effect of hormone therapy, rather than the cause of genderdysphoria
One strength is that there may be other brain differences. Researchers analysedbrain of both male and femaletransgenderindividuals, crucially before they beganhormone treatment as part of genderreassignment. In most cases, the distribution of whitemattercorrespond more closely to the gender the individualsidentifiedthemselves as being rather than their biologicalsex. This suggests that there are earlydifferences in the brains of transgenderindividuals
One strength is evidence of more than 2genderroles. Some culturesrecognise more than2 genders. Increasingnumbers of people now describethemselves as non-binary, showing culturalchanges now match the livedexperience of many. This suggests that genderidentity and dysphoria is best seen as a socialconstruction than a biological fact
One limitation is issues with psychoanalytic theory. This theory doesn’texplaingenderdysphoria in biologicalfemales and only applies to transgender females. Researchers found that genderdysphoria in transgenderfemales is due to the absence of the fatherrather than fear of separation from the other. This suggests that psychoanalytic theory doesn’tprovide a comprehensiveaccount of genderdsyphoria